Discussion On Variable Rate Spreaders

By Stephanie Green

Those are the things that you will need when you are a farmer or maybe even someone who just owns a vegetable garden. They will get your plants, vegetables and flowers to grow like no tomorrow. Would you not want that for your garden? Because we do, if we have a garden of our own. Ah, just thinking about it makes us want to go to a forest. God, we love plants so much. So with that said, here is Variable Rate Spreaders.

What if you met a clone of yourself? What would you do to him or her? Would you use them for your own benefit? Like, say, make them go to school and work while you relax at home? Force them to attend uncomfortable meetings that you were reluctant to attend? Would that not sound very convenient?

Imagine being able to create lightning too. You are going to be so useful when there is a black out or something. Though there will be some risk of you over doing it and maybe even frying the whole circuits, it is still a very useful skill. And if you are annoyed with someone then you can just zap them on the shoulder to make them shut up.

The poor bastard was seated and chained, struggling to breathe with all the blood that clogged his nose and throat. Seeing his struggle made the girl smile despite the situations. She always prided herself on her own powers and seeing other people suffering because of it made her gleeful.

Though her uncle stuffed that tiny triumphant feeling by ordering her to release her hold on this man. The cold of his voice almost made her jump. Almost. And would bring dishonor and embarrassment if she jumped because that kind of reaction would bring shame on the training her uncle beat into her since she was a child.

She did as was told of course. And she did so without moving. Her mind dissipated the control she had on the struggling bastard who had trouble breathing because of her. At once, he slumped in relief as he gasped for air, even with all the blood he had to cough out. Then his bleeding essentially stopped thanks to her.

It is awful. But if I were on the science side, it would make sense. If we lose our emotions and sense of morality, it would be sensible to close the third strongest to make her fight the number one strongest. That way, we can ensure that our strongest fight remains to keep that title and maybe even improve him even more.

Yes, we are essentially creating a monster. But with the society that depends on science and espers, with scientists at the forefront of this so called society, it is imperative we do any means necessary, correct? Though, admittedly, we actually will not do this even if we WERE give the power to.

Well, if fire does not work for us, we can just accept the plant power thing. We can grow flowers, trees and anything involving the greens. Call us Gaea, the Earth goddess.

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