Achieving Ultimate Wellness With A Christian Women Fitness Program

By Daniel Smith

Christianity is the most popular world religion. It has billions of followers. As a Christian, one should care about her health. A healthy woman is an asset to the church. She will greatly help in spreading the good message. Health is wealth. It is the most important asset that a person should have. One should not only go to church. She should also maintain her health through a Christian women fitness program. This program combines spiritual health with physical health. Thus, it facilitates holistic wellness at the end of the day. This is the best kind of wellness that one can have.

Of course, spirituality should come above everything else. It should be right at the center of the life of a believer. The Scripture says clearly that both the food and the body will be destroyed. The spirit will remain forever. Being spiritual is vital. However, that does not mean that a believer should ignore the need to be very fit.

Attaining spiritual health is not rocket science. The Holy Bible lists down everything that a believer has to do so that to be spiritually well. Of course, she has to read her Bible so that to obtain much needed spiritual guidance. Scripture encourages believers to pray without ceasing so that they do not fall into temptation. Regular fasting is also recommended.

Achieving spiritual health is not the end of the road. The body should also be well. When one is sick, she will not be able to live her life to the full. This is very likely to interfere with the wellbeing of an individual. To boost the level of immunity and prevent diseases, there is the need for fitness.

It is possible to prevent obesity by being fit. If one does not prevent obesity, she is likely to end up with a lifestyle disease. She will end up spending more time treating the disease that interacting with her Bible, spreading the gospel, and doing other spiritual things. Heart disease is a lifestyle disease that kills millions of people every year.

The overweight condition affects more women than men. Billions of women around the world are overweight. That is due to the present day sedentary lifestyle. In the past, people used to be very active. That is no longer the case because human beings no longer plough the fields. They work in office jobs after which they enjoy entertainment sitting down.

A sedentary lifestyle should be exchanged with an active lifestyle. After every hour of sitting down, an individual should stand up and stretch his body. One also requires a fitness program that will involve exercising on a regular basis. Aerobic exercises will keep the body active and they will help with the burning of fat. Weight lifting is also required.

The essence of Christianity is morality. Without morality and righteousness, it will not be possible to go to heaven. Instead, an individual will end up in hell. If one is righteous, fit, and responsible, she will have a good life awaiting an even better life in heaven. The believer, who is unfit, will easily fall ill and that can make life to become a living hell.

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