Tips To Help You Make The Most Out Of Your Thrift Store Shopping Experiences

By Mary Howard

A lot of people won't mind buying stuff at a bargain price. One of the best places to find some great bargains are at a thrift store. Whether you are a regular shopper there or if it is your first time going there, you definitely can use some tips on how to maximize your trip there. Here is some useful advice.

Before you walk into any shop, it is important that you first establish what you are going to do in there. Whether you just want to look around or buy a couple of things. If you want to buy stuff, take a list along with you. Shopping without a list leaves you privy to many temptations, given that you might come across a lot of nice things that you might want to have. So plan ahead about what to buy to avoid getting derailed.

Go ready to look through stuff. Expect that this might take some time. That is why it is wise that you do not drag your small kids with you for such trips. They can get easily bored waiting for you to do your shopping. Leave your kids at home, so that you can fully focus on your shopping experience. This will give you a great opportunity to check through plenty of stuff.

Most of these shops have days when they mark down stuff. Know which days these are and you can get some heavily discounted sales. This can be as much as half the price off. These sales take place a couple of times in a month, so plan to go on days when they have a sale.

Don't spend more money than you can afford. Have a budget and plan not to go out of your budget. It can also help if you left our credit card behind and just carried the amount of money you can spend in cash. This way, you won't be tempted to go over your spending limit.

Be friendly to the staff. Not only will this make their day, but they can give you some nice tips too. They can point you in the direction where nice things are or even give you a coupon. They will also make an effort to let you know when they have nice deals.

Going to the shop during days when new stock is being put in is advisable. You can get a lot of good quality things before lots of other customers have a chance to peruse through the stock and pick the best things. So, go on the days when new stock is being put in, so as to benefit more.

Bargaining can make a great difference. Haggle the price and get a discounted rated. This is particularly when you are buying lots of things. Don't be embarrassed to haggle. If they can't reduce the price, they will just let you know but if they agree to, you will save yourself a chunk of money. You can approach a salesperson or a manager to ask for a price reduction.

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