Jewish Interfaith Marriage Is A Great Thing

By Betty Schmidt

The importance of marriage must never be underestimated at any moment in time. People have been marrying since time immemorial. Marrying will not stop any time soon. It is an activity that people will continue doing until the end of time. The trend nowadays is Jewish interfaith marriage. This trend is a good one not only because it marks the start of marital bliss but also because it connects people of two different religions. That creates a harmonious society that is free of religious divisions. Intermarrying will make the world to become a better place. It should be encouraged.

An interfaith marriage is more than just the marriage of two people. It also involves two different cultures and two different faiths marrying or in simple language, coming together. That is something beautiful to behold because it represents the crossing of religious lines. When people are ready to cross the lines of religion that often times divide, the world becomes a greater place.

What matters most is love. Where there is love, the two people in question can marry each other. If there is no love, there is no need to take a relationship to the next level because it will certainly not last, and there will be a high chance of divorce. There is no need to spend on a wedding if love lacks.

In the modern day world, interfaith unions are the norm rather than the exception. Gone are the days when people only married members of their faith. The world has progressed much since humans started believing in religion. It is good to be religious but it is also great to embrace members of other faiths. That is true maturity and progress.

Diversity is a good thing. There are diverse cultures, religions, races, and tribes on planet earth. Diversity is good. Many people in America and other countries are embracing diversity by crossing the racial line and marrying individuals of other races. That is a great thing in a world that has for a long time been affected by racism.

It has become very easy for people of different races and religions to date. That is because of the power of World Wide Web. A Christian based in US does not have to travel to Israel so that to date a Jew. That is because everything can happen virtually. The internet has changed the way people do many things.

Most interracial and interfaith marriages usually start online. The typical scenario involves an individual visiting a certain dating website, browsing through profiles, finding a suitable profile, initiating conversation, subsequent back and forth conversations, and finally two people start dating. Of course, one needs to have an account. One should register in a highly reputable website. Online research will make one to know reputable sites.

Marrying is part of human culture. There is no culture on earth that does not have the institution of marriage. Actually, this institution is the foundation of society. In ancient times, people used to marry. In modern times, individuals are still marrying. Religious figures and scholars usually encourage people to marry. That is because marrying makes it easy to succeed and increases happiness.

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