Preparing Garden Wedding Venues Los Angeles

By Barbara Myers

Most churches require couples to pay large deposits and rental fees before they can be used as a venue for a ceremony. The amount of money you might have to pay may be so substantial that you cannot afford it. When you want to save some money but still find a place that is beautiful and elegant, you might consider hosting an outdoor ceremony. Before you choose from the available garden wedding venues Los Angeles brides and grooms like you may want to keep some ideas about these places in mind as you prepare for your big day.

This city in Southern California is generally known for having nice weather. Most days are sunny and warm. It only rains during certain parts of any given year except for a few surprise showers here and there. However, you might need to contend with the heat, which can be intolerable during the hottest times of the year. You may want to take precautions to safeguard your guests from dangers like heat stroke or dehydration.

Providing this element of protection could be as simple as having an early day or sunset ceremony instead of one held during the noontime hours. Morning and sunset can still be difficult to tolerate if you do not arrange the seats just right, however. You might want to point them in a direction away from the direct sunlight as it rises past or nears the horizon.

Instead, you could arrange the seats to face parallel or away from the sunlight. Your guests would not have to strain to see the vow exchange. They also avoid having to tolerate the heat and brilliance that could otherwise make them uncomfortable or possibly even sick during the event.

On the other hand, you may want to consider what to do if it rains on your big day. You do not want to hold up an umbrella while you walk down the aisle or stand before the guests to say your vows. Instead, you may prefer to invest in some type of covering that can shield you and your loved ones from the rain.

Staying out of the rain or any kind of disagreeable weather could be as simple as renting a huge tent or canopy. Tent companies specialize in covers for outdoor events. They have tents that are big enough to hold several hundreds of people along with a place for a band and tables, chairs, and other furnishings.

The tents also have mesh covers around the windows and doors that are designed to keep out pests that might bite or buzz around you. You do not want to have to spray repellent on you while you are wearing your gown or tuxedo. The mesh covers will keep pests at bay and let you enjoy your event.

These tips are just a few you might keep in mind as you get ready to host an outdoor wedding. Gardens are idyllic settings. However, they also require a certain amount of work to prepare for the big day. These strategies help you keep yourself and your guests comfortable without putting a strain on your budget.

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