A Voice Over IP Provider Can Help Its Clients To Provide Superior Service

By Linda Watson

Competing in the modern business environment is not for the feint of hearted. Competition is fierce and consumers are much more demanding, requiring excellent service at all times. With the internet becoming the biggest trading platform in the world, even more businesses, even small ones, can compete. In order to remain competitive, companies have to realize that they need superior communications capabilities. With help from a reputable voice over IP provider this is definitely possible.

Internet based communications systems have been around for a while. At first companies hesitated to make use of this technology because the system can only work in areas where there is access to the internet. These days internet access is available in even the remotest areas and subsequently the popularity of internet based communication has soared beyond all expectations. It offer much more than just an effective and reliable communication capacity.

For many new clients, the main motivating factor is the promise that they will be achieving significant savings. This promise is indeed true and some companies say that they have saved more than half of their previous communications bills. However attractive the savings are, new clients quickly realize that these systems make an important contribution to the productivity of all employees. This translates into higher profits.

Older systems like the PABX were quite modern in their day but they had one massive drawback. A user could only communicate if he was present at his desk and if a fixed extension has been installed. The minute he left his work station he was out of reach. This caused a dilemma because it restricted the movement of employees. Internet systems do not have this drawback. Users can communicate regardless of where they are.

Older systems required the use of specific handsets. Internet systems allow users to use any device that can access the internet. Users can therefore use their laptop computers, their smart phones or their tablets to communicate. Each user has an account and all records are stored in the cloud. This means that all users information is always synchronized, regardless of which device the user employs at any particular time.

Over time, people have become used to handy features such as call holding, call transfers, conference calls and voice mail. Internet systems still offer all these features but also many other advanced features that can help users to be much more efficient. There is voice to email, video conferencing, voice to fax and many other new features. It is even possible to transfer a call to another user at a remote locality.

Another big drawback of older systems was the huge capital outlay that was required. There had to be a separate installation at every branch or outlet and each installation required the services of an operator. Maintenance cost was extremely high and down time was not uncommon. Internet systems are installed at one central location only and the cost of maintenance is almost negligible.

There can be no doubt that effective communication is one of the key elements of success in the modern business environment. Internet based communication systems offer reliability and productivity enhancing features. It seems as if this form of communication will soon become the norm.

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