How Biotechnologies Have Shaped Science And Medicine

By Kathleen Morris

Any technology that has its foundation in the various biological processes of organisms is considered a biotechnology. Almost everyone can say that biotechnology impacts their life in one way or another on a daily basis. While this might sound surprising, the harnessing of cellular and biomolecular processes of living things that encompasses the various biotechnologies play a huge part in improving life and the planet.

Harnessing the power of biology is nothing new, although some of the more recent and sophisticated advancements may be the first ones that come to mind. Many people don't realize that certain practices that make use of biological processes have actually been around for thousands of years. Both bread and cheese use biological processes, as well as the preservation of dairy products.

The most modern advancements in this branch of technology and biology have enabled countless breakthrough products and technologies. Some of these are able to combat diseases that are rare and difficult to treat. These breakthroughs are also enabling people to get food to needy people, lowering the environmental impact, and improving the efficiency of industrial manufacturing.

The field of healthcare has been changed enormously with the help of this type of technology to the advantage of patients everywhere. A number of diseases that previously had no cure can now be treated by making use of biotechnology. Since diseases and healthcare needs are always changing, biotechnology is sure to be an essential component of whatever happens in medicine going forward into the future.

The agricultural industry has seen many benefits thanks to the use of this technology. New innovations have made it so crops can be harvested that are resistant to certain pests like insects, which are known to be harmful and can destroy entire crops. Plants can now be grown that have greater nutritional value, which may be necessary to combat the vitamin deficiencies in today's populations.

Facilities known as biorefineries are places where biomass is studied and refined so that it can be used as fuel. Some scientists believe that this may be the future of fuel and could replace fossil fuels, or at least be one of a combination of alternatives. This fuel is renewable, and it also would help to reduce greenhouse gasses.

Diseases have the ability to adapt and change in order to combat our defenses, causing us to have to keep combating these threats. In this fight, biotechnology is essential in order to stay ahead of these health risks. One way that this technology achieves this is by lowering the overall amount of infectious diseases that are out there, which helps to save millions of lives who are taken by these diseases every year.

There are a number of ways that biotechnology lowers environmental impact. On an industrial level, it can greatly increase the efficiency of the way certain manufacturers do their business. This technology can also make it so clothes can be washed at a lower temperature, as well as lower the amount of water that needs to be used, thus curtailing the amount of waste that is produced.

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