Show Off The Darkest Bronzed Complexion By Applying Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Obtaining a really dark fake tan is simplified by Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion. This product lets you sport an olive complexion in as fast as 3 hours. The darkest color DHA can produce becomes evident 24 to 72 hours after the initial application.

DHA makes Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion highly effective. This FDA-approved chemical reacts with amino acids in dead skin cells, causing the topmost layer of the epidermis to darken. Since Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion contains high concentration of DHA, it can produce a fake tan that is bound to make heads turn. The resulting golden brown color looks rich and realistic.

Although DHA in Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion can give you the darkest tan possible, it is actually mild enough to spare your skin from ending up irritated. This colorless substance is extracted from sugar cane so you know it is not as harsh as those synthetic chemicals created in laboratories. Still it's a good idea to do a patch test first on a body part that isn't too visible.

Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion delivers what it promises while you stay indoors. The primary reason why this topically applied product came about is to spare tan aficionados from exposing themselves to UV light unnecessarily. Health experts say that this radiation emitted by the sun is a carcinogen, an agent that can trigger the formation of abnormal cells in the body.

Prolonged or chronic sunbathing significantly increases your risk for skin cancer. If this disease isn't detected and treated early on, it can definitely lead to your death. Sporting the best complexion among your peers is meaningless if in the future everyone will feel sorry for your health. Trying to improve your skin tone through sunbathing is definitely not a smart move.

Thanks to Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion, there's no need for you to be exposed unnecessary UV light. The product is used just like your everyday hand and body moisturizer. During the application, putting on a pair of gloves out of latex or plastic saves your palms from having stains. Washing your hands frequently is also fine if gloves are not accessible.

Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion leaves an immediate stain to help facilitate the product's application and avoid formation of blotches. Allow full absorption by the skin before you dress up to keep light-colored textiles from ending up stained. Avoid showering or swimming for 6-8 hours to let DHA carry out its job. Also, stay away from doing activities that can leave you sweaty.

Exfoliate before applying Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion to remove excess dead skin cells. This gives DHA a polished surface to darken. The company which offers the at-home tanning solution has a body exfoliating gel which may be purchased separately. Buying a set allows you to get Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion together with this exfoliating gel and tan extender.

If what you want is a fake tan that's really striking, get a bottle of Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion. It allows you to become lovelier without the risks. The product is so easy to use and it's designed to give you an olive complexion that looks real.

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