How To Get A Bronzing Tan With Self Tanning Lotions

By Haywood Hunter

When used properly, sunless tanning products, which contain safe formulations, can help you transform the look and feel of your skin giving you the complexion you deserve. Use of methods like tanning in the sun or under the tan beds has health complications, which could be reduced by using sunless tan products. With the self tanning products, some are designed in such a way they give the impression of a tanned skin.

A fake tanner will produce the effect of a tanned skin but in real sense, it does not change the skin color. However, some tanners that contain dihydroxyacetone substance will tan the skin. Whether you are using a gel, spray, mousse, or cream, you need to get the right shade in order to attain the gorgeous look you want.

You have to wax or shave hair from the skin a day before applying the tanner. This will give enough time for the skin to heal and have less sensitivity to products you are using. Shaving opens up the pores and at times, it could be sensitive when you apply the products. In addition, before applying, you have to shower and exfoliate your skin in order to allow the formulations to spread and adhere to skin evenly.

In addition, a patch test can allow you determine whether you skin responds well to the formulation of the product. Different parts of the body may respond different such as the hands and facial skin. The facial skin is the most sensitive and you might want to do a spot test to see how it reacts to the formulation.

Although most people can tolerate the sunless tan creams and sprays containing DHA, some people may have sensitive skin that is allergic. The preservatives and fragrances used in those products could cause the skin to irritate or react. When applying the lotions to the legs, torso, and the arms, you can use circular motions to help in preventing a streaky look.

You need to skip lotions, moisturizers, and deodorants that interfere with the ability of skin to absorb a tanner product. In the very dry areas like the hands and feet, you may want to apply some very small amount of light and gentle moisturizer or lotion. The body skin absorbs substances when it is soothed and moist than when it is dry.

Alternatively, you may consider using one coat on your face for every two coats on your body in order to prevent the face from turning too dark. When applying the tanner product, you need to be careful of the creased skins such as the ankles and knees. With the folded skin, this is where more of the tanner is trapped as you apply and it could make the skin on those areas to become too dark or bronzed.

The spot test can show you how you expect to change the appearance of your body skin. If the formulation is sensitive to the skin, you are able to know through the spot testing. The facial skin is more sensitive than other parts and you can do the spot testing as it will give the best results in case of any kind of negative reaction with the product formulation.

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