More Info On Eating Disorders Princeton

By Jessica Hayes

Often identified through the uncontrollable need to either consume larger than usual or smaller than usual amounts of food, it is an illness that can actually be medically treated. The condition normally is closely associated with mental illnesses as anxiety disorders and depression. Drug abuse does also contribute to eating disorders Princeton. Statistics indicate that eating disorders are twice more likely to be reported by females than by males.

Further sub groups of the sickness includes anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-feeding disorders. Both of which have the detrimental effect of drastically shifting a persons body mass. The condition in most occasions is looked over and simply brushed away as a life phase that would ultimately fade away. This especially for young teenagers facing the condition. It however is not correct as the sickness can have grave outcomes on ones life if not attended to early enough.

Anorexia nervosa is marked by the victim choosing to eat less and lesser amounts of food, and this in order to reduce his or her weight. Bulimia nervosa is on the other hand is marked by the victim choosing to consume larger than usual amounts of food, and normally while not considering the nutritional quality of food being consumed. Binge eating disorders normally are characterized by a spontaneous consumption of large amounts of food and normally without regular intervals.

The ailment ultimately leads to the creation of both long term and short term health defects. The short term effects would include malnutrition and the wasting away of body muscles, while the long term effects would include serious health conditions as hypertension, excessive accumulation of body fat, stroke and heart diseases. Vast research has established that a combination of both environmental, biological and psychological factors ultimately leads to the illness.

Psychological factors would include an inferior self-body image from the victims view which mostly is an attribute of these victims low self-esteem. Environmental factors include an overall relationship between the victim and his or her family, and the social and cultural aspects within which the particular individual lives in, while biological factors include, an imbalanced hormonal and chemical composition in the individuals body. Additionally, research indicates that genetics can similarly play a major role in propelling the sickness.

Given the complexity of this condition, several maneuvers normally are employed at making better the situation. This normally involves interventions from both the fields of medicine and psychology. Psychology would incorporate special forms of therapy such as psychotherapy, which aim at identifying the root cause of this condition and consequently remedying the condition.

Doctors deal with the condition through the use of drugs as antidepressants. Additionally, consequent effects of this sickness as diabetes and hypertension are similarly handled by the doctors. Notable symptoms of this sickness includes, an obsession with details as the calorie count and the fat content of the food to be consumed, an uncontrollable occurrence of either over feeding or under feeding phases and the ritualization of the whole eating process.

Statistics indicate that an average ten million males and twenty million females suffer the condition in the United States alone. A record that tells of the need to create awareness about the ailment. Of importance is to seek medicinal help once symptoms as mood swings which create an irresistible urge to consume larger or smaller amounts of food begins to show.

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