Learn More About Psychological Testing Child Custody

By Melissa Hughes

In any case regarding the divorce of a couple with kids, there is usually the issue of who is best to be with the kid. Normally both parents will file for the custody of the child and prevent the other from having them if they believe they are not worthy. The jury or the attorney will have to go for the psychological testing child custody so that they can come up with the best resolution.

Over the years, the sole goal of having a custody case is to ensure the kid has the right parent for their growth as mentioned earlier. This will then ensure that the kid grows perfectly where they will see their personal, emotional and psychological growth without any kinds of disruptions.

The general working of the test is that it depicts the previous life the kid shared with both parents. If the parent was irresponsible, abusive or exposed them to any form of hostility, the test can show. If the parent was caring, concerned and loving, the same will be depicted too.

The evaluation will have to be comprehensive enough by taking each party at a time. The parents and their kids will all be subjected to the test. Over the years, this treatment has been the commonly sought since it is scientific making it impartial. The results are never favoring one party. If the procedures used, seem to be biased there are measures kept in place to handle it.

Despite the many methods that can be followed to accomplish this procedure, interviewing and observations are the basic ones. Observations include one being watched on how they are conducting their daily activities even when they are with the kids too. The child can also be observed. Interviews include sessions where questions are asked differently to the parents and the kids.

Though it has been the only hope of many to ensure that a kid will always end up in the safest hands and in an environment where all their interest are accounted for, this evaluation is not free from some drawbacks. The answers given during the interviews are usually not always accurate. A parent can opt to give a false answer that will ensure they have the child to their side.

Additionally, parenting skills of a person in some cases may have a different bearing on the social life of a person. In most cases, some parents have been denied the custody of their kids because they had a criminal record in the past or they are smokers, yet they are good at taking care of their kids. There are others who seem to have perfect lives with no time for the child.

There are instances where the custody is given wrongfully only because the two parties share a diverged social, cultural background which has a direct bearing on how a kid should be punished. How it is done in one society may be different from the looks of the other. In the event the attorney shares the same with either of the parents, the custody may favor one side. However, if the shortcomings can be handled well, then it can still be reliable.

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