Uses, Risks And Benefits Of Northwest Indiana Liposuction Surgery

By Linda Hill

Liposuction, or Lipoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that slims and modifies certain body parts by removing unwanted fat deposits and enhancing the body curves. It enhances your self -image. However, Northwest Indiana Liposuction should not be mistaken for treatment for obesity or a substitute for proper eating habits and exercise.

Lipo, as vastly known by patients and experts alike, is done on specific body parts that are vulnerable to quick deposition of fats. Parts of the body that are mostly affected are the thighs, buttocks, hips, face specifically the chin, cheeks and also around the biceps. Facelifts, breast surgeries and tummy reduction are some procedures that can be undertaken together with lipo for a finer and a nicer look.

Experts in Northwest Indiana advice that the procedure should only be used if the individual does not achieve the desired results even with a change of lifestyle. For example, if some areas of fat are resistant to a healthy diet and exercise. When one gains weight, each fat cell enlarges in size and volume. Lipo, as commonly known, reduces the number of these cells in isolated areas to give your body curves a more define outline.

This cosmetic surgery is also known to be effective in the treatment of disorders despite it being independently used to remove excess fat. Chronic condition such as Lymphedema is reversed through lipoplasty. It is a condition brought about by the increases deposition of lymph fluid in tissue cells causing swelling on the arms and legs. Liposuction drains away this fluid from these body parts restoring their usual functioning.

Male patients with Gynecomastia can also be beneficiaries of this type of cosmetic surgery. Gynecomastia is the accumulation of fat below the nipple. This causes the area to swell. It brings along pain, distress and lack of self confidence. Liposuction may also be done to relieve Lipodystrophic syndrome. This occurs when fatty layers build up on one part of the body at the expense of other. It makes the body shape uneven. For a better look, lipo is carried out.

Besides the numerous benefits of this cosmetic surgery, the risks involved cannot be ignored. Some unpleasant side effects include bad bruising by the surgeon. This mostly happens when the patient has been taking anti inflammatory drugs such as Dichlofenac. Patients who have the tendency to bleed are prone to bad bruising.

Inflammation can also persist for a long time after the procedure. The swelling as a result of the surgery may take as long as six months to properly heal. A lesser reported case ids the continued oozing of fluid from the incisions. Some patients may have blood clotting in the veins causing inflammation on the inner areas of the knee and thighs where the treatment was done.

Sometimes, the body shape may appear rough and uneven after surgery. For those patients whose pelt lack elasticity, this may come as a result of the procedure. Irregular removal of fat is one of the causes of uneven contouring. Some patients live like that permanently while in some, fluid may build up below the skin leading to the need of another surgery.

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