Different Ways To Support The R Word Pledge

By Jeffrey Price

There is a lot of ways to help and be an instrument that it could stop. This is the request of many people around the world. Since they have been humiliated already. Instead of boosting their confidence, that could be the reason they lost it And they do not want to go out of the house to socialize with others. They have the right to live a normal life without letting them down.

Keep in mind that everyone has the right to live the way they wanted too and exercise their rights. No one could take that away from them. The R word pledge is the best way to help them. And encourage everyone to refrain using it. And let them know the impact to it. Especially if they do not have the idea yet. When you fix your mind to join, you can start immediately.

Here are some of useful information. You can start by applying them on your own. You would not be able to achieve your goal when you will not do something about it. Actions speak louder than words. It is not very difficult when you have the determination to help others.

Tweet about it. Use the social networking website to spread the word. This is very helpful especially if you have a lot of friends and followers. Inform them and let them know. Some would do the same and others will not care. That is normal and you cannot force them. It is their life and they act on it at the right time.

Share your story. Never invent stories coming from your imagination. But focus on the real ones. That one that is happening and you have experience it. To make it more realistic. People who are listening to can identify real stories and not. Just be true to yourself and share what is in your heart. This will serve as awakening to everyone.

Approach someone who is using the word. You do not point out that he said something wrong. But you start a conversation and give him a scenario. So he could realize and be enlighten of the things he did. And observe their reactions. And ask their opinion after if it makes them happy or not.

You can organize a forum. And invite everyone to attend. Be a resource speaker and invite some others who have the same advocacy as you. The purpose is not to spread and put a stop into it. Allow the audience to ask some questions. And give them a scenario if they are on a particular situation. Know their reactions.

You can walk if you see a person who used it everyday. Because you did you your part already. But if you want and is persistent that he will stop, talk to him. But be cautious and stay our of trouble. You do it because of the guilt feeling and you believe that doing what is right is very important.

Start the pledge and never expect too much everyone will follow. When you know in yourself that what you is right, then that is enough. There are some people who wanted to create a difference and help someone, then they would follow you.

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