With Lasik San Antonio Residents With Poor Sight Have New Hope

By William Hall

Ask any person which of their senses they treasure most and in the vast majority of cases the answer will be eyesight. Without eyesight one becomes helpless and dependent upon others. People that are blind or have very poor eyesight are excluded from many of the pleasures of life. Fortunately, most conditions that cause blindness and poor eyesight can be treated. After lasik San Antonio patients are often able to see the world in a completely different light.

Laser eye surgery is extremely popular. A study show that more than twenty eight million people have undergone the procedure by 1998. Laser surgery specifically benefits patients that suffer from astigmatism, near sightedness and far sightedness. Surgery involves the reshaping of the cornea so that the light going through will focus properly on the retina which is located at the back of the eye.

Laser eye surgery enjoys an enviable reputation for its success rate. More than 96 per cent of patients regain perfect sight and experience no adverse side effects. Even better, as the years go by, surgery can be performed again to once again focus the eye properly. Most patients never have to wear glasses or lenses again. The procedure is painless and quick. Patients recover within a few days at most.

Improved sight and the ability to get rid of glasses and contact lenses most certainly improve the quality of life. After surgery, many people are able to take up sports and other hobbies and activities again after being forced to give up these pleasures due to poor eyesight. It is also no longer necessary to see an optometrist every year and bear the cost of replacing glasses or lenses regularly.

All surgical procedures involves some measure of risk, including laser eye surgery. There is a small possibility of infection developing and this can indeed become very serious. Some patients complain of dry eyes but in most cases this can be solved by the use of eye drops. A very small number of patients experience some form of aberration such as seeing halos and star bursts. These complications are rare, however.

After surgery, patients are advised to rest, to avoid bright lights and to wear dark glasses if they venture outside. They are also given eye patches to wear at night in order to prevent them from inadvertently fidgeting with their eyes during sleep. A course of antibiotics is also prescribed and eye drops are to be used for a few days. It is often patients that ignore this advice that are prone to develop complications.

The cost of this type of surgery is covered by most medical insurance policies. The important thing is to find a surgeon that has ample experience in performing this procedure. Any reputable surgeon will first assess the patient to determine whether the procedure will benefit him and he will make sure his patient is informed about the process that will be followed, the potential risks and the side effects that may be expected.

Laser eye surgery has changed the lives of millions of people. Good eyesight is a precious gift and experts agree that patients that qualify for the procedure should definitely consider it. It has been proven to be safe and statistics show that the development of complications is extremely rare.

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