What You Need To Know About Sciatica Treatment Marina Del Rey

By Dennis Ross

The longest nerve in the body is the sciatic nerve and runs from the back right to the pelvis and through the buttocks. The nerve then goes down to both legs and finally ends at the feet. A sort of pain may arise characterized by leg pain which may feel like leg cramp or shooting pain that can make standing or sitting almost impossible. However with sciatica treatment Marina Del Rey, these symptoms can be alleviated.

A variety of symptoms and signs characterize Sciatica. Compressions or irritations to sciatic nerve results in tingling sensations, numbness or pain from the lower backside to possibly one leg downwards to the toes and foot. The ache shifts from mild to very painful as it worsens when sitting for extended periods, sneezing or coughing. Other people who suffer from the condition may undergo weakness of muscles on an affected leg.

On the other hand, people suffering from this condition could develop general back pain. However, the pain of sciatica mostly affects the buttocks as well as the legs more than the back. Although the sciatic nerve runs from the back, it largely affects the lower region that is, the buttocks and the legs.

There are different causes of this condition. For instance, in older people it may result from conditions which are caused by spinal degeneration, for example, spinal stenosis. This is when the pathways where sciatic nerve travels become narrow. The narrowing causes compression or irritation of the nerve. The pain usually arises due to pressure or damage to the nerve.

Disc prolapse also referred to as disc herniation or slipped disc is one common cause of this condition is. Disc prolapse occurs when there is a rupture in any of the discs full of gel inside the spine vertebrae, which cause irritations or compressions on the sciatic nerve. Muscle spasms can also bring about this condition when sciatic nerve is compressed in the muscle.

The pain begins from mild to severe, and may be slow or sudden at beginning. Sciatica may be explained as cramp-like pain that could be considered as burning or as well sharp. Feelings such as weakness, needles and pins sensations, tingling and numbness may be connected this pain. In most cases, pain is severe at the initial stages since compression and even inflammation of the sciatic nerve is at its highest. The pain then gradually subsides as time goes by.

For accurate diagnoses, the physician takes the medical history of the patient as well as the nature and the duration of the symptoms. The doctor will also examine what events or actions result to the start of the pain. Physician assesses neurological function by examining leg reflexes, sensation, and strength. A rectal examination could also be performed if the patient loses bowel or bladder control. An x-ray, CT scan or MRI could also be performed if the sciatic pain persists for several weeks.

If you reside in Marina Del Rey CA, you could seek treatment of sciatica. Pain relief is the basic goal for treating this condition. The doctor may recommend diverse methods of treatment that may include surgery, physiotherapy, medications or substitute methods like acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic.

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