The Stem Cell Treatment Centers Indiana Offers Better Therapy Solutions

By Michael Young

Your body contains a number of "blank slate" cells that can become other cells; which cell they become depends on the environment they are placed in. If stem cells are placed inside a joint, they can become cartilage cells; if placed on a nerve, they can become nerve cells. This means that, for people with damaged joints, spinal discs, nerves or other tissues, stem cell treatment centers Indiana may provide the answer to pain and dysfunction from within their own bodies.

As cells are building block of our body so many scientists also believe that it may reveal the mystery of aging also. Doctors and surgeons are best available with the latest equipment offering best therapy at a not so high price. The therapy is used as these cells have the ability to distinguish themselves from other types of cells in the body, such as the muscle cells or the blood cells and liver cells and among others Their unique capability to self-renew and regenerate by replacing the damaged and injured cell is the answer to the cure of many types of cancers, blood-related diseases, brain and liver injuries among others.

Umbilical cords and cord blood can provide embryonic stem cells without the need for a fetus. It is also important to continue to take medications for underlying diseases and inform the doctor of any prescribed or recreational drugs take by the patient in the preceding thirty-day period.

There are cases where the diseases are completely cured by replacing the injured cells, and also, cases where the effect of the damaged cells slows down. Post surgery the physician-in-charge will verify if the patient can be discharged from the center. This is determined by the blood count of the patient and the overall status of his health and nutrition. The patient is usually put under observation for close to a month post surgery in the center.

In that disease, the body's own immune system attacks its healthy, insulin-producing cells. The therapy is being tested to see if it can slow the rate at which those cells are destroyed, which would slow the progression of the disease.

More than 500,000 Americans every year will suffer a heart attack for the first time. Of the survivors, 18 percent of men and 35 percent of women will be stricken by a second heart attack. A related drug known as Prochymal is undergoing clinical trials to test its safety and effectiveness in treating heart damage, minimizing the chances of a repeat heart attack.

Baldness is not quite a serious condition as some of the others for which this therapy offers hope, but progressive hair loss can nonetheless be a stressful condition. Hair follicles contain these cells and researchers believe that by activating those cells, full heads of hair could be restored. Just this past week there has been progressing on this front about reprogramming cells to awaken dominant hair stem cells.

Treatment center and hospital adhere to the highest level of quality standards under the government authority control that testifies the quality of the therapy. Right from storing the cells, to assessing its viability, to testing it in the laboratory on whether it can be used for transplantation. The city of Indianapolis IN offers some of the best stem cell treatment centers with the superior medical quality.

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