Allergy And Asthma Center And The Hospitality Industry

By Adam G. Trettin

Customers that visit the hotels say that their concern when they get in a hotel, is cleanliness. Despite this fact, most of the hotel's think about upgrading, offering more facilities and security. They fail to address the issue on cleanliness and health that concern many who use the hotel. With the high number of allergies and asthma center visits, now the focus of those who are going to the hotel is to find a place that is clean and well maintained. The information discussed below is from an allergy and asthma center.

The researchers have stated that have of the population in the United States have tested positive for having allergies. There are those who have more than one allergy making the whole thing something that the nation should worry about. Asthma is one of the leading allergies in the country. The hotel industry has not yet realized that most travelers are worn out by traveling, and this makes them more susceptible to get allergies and asthma attacks. This, in turn, will ruin the business trip or the vacation. Hence making the vacation or stay in the hotel shorter than planned.

Those people who are allergic and go to hotels that do not observe hygiene are only making their condition worse. The one thing about allergies is that one needs to be around the fresh air. However, the air in hotels is compromised due to dust, mites, mildew, molds, and pests. The chemical that is used to do the cleaning can also affect many guests.

Note that since the air of the hotel are compromised, it is important for those who are working or investing in this industry to make sure that they offer their guest as much clean air as possible. To begin with, they should have frequent dusting; implement the use of air filters and purifiers.

There are many lodgings that allow their clients to come in with their pets. This means that hotel rooms will have pet dander and fur all over the place. Pets also carry with them viruses, and this is the reason that the hotel needs to be well cleaned and sanitized to make sure that the next guest who uses that room will not have an allergic reaction.

The other matter of concern is the condition of the room. There are some lodges that have dampness in the room; this is brought by poor constructions or the sewage unit. This, in turn, compromises the sanitation of the room and thus increasing the chances of guest getting an allergic reaction.

Since people are not the same, there are those who are likely to react faster than the others. Hence, the hotel should keep this in mind and have suites that are hypo-reactive for the visitors who suffer from allergies. This, in turn, will help them enjoy their stay without any reactive incidents.

Above mentioned are the major things that the hospitality industry should think of implementing as a way of ensuring that the guests are well-taken care off and that they do not become ill.

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