The Value Of A Disaster Survival Kit

By Stella Gay

Most disasters, whether they are man made or natural, are unpredictable in nature. This means that no one really knows for sure when a catastrophe will occur and the exact severity of its impact. This is why a disaster survival kit is such an important item.

These kits are important for single individuals as well as groups. Families, for instance, should ensure that they are well armed with these catastrophe defeating kits. It is also important to ensure that each member of the household has knowledge of its location and access to it.

One of the first things to include in any emergency care pack is first aid tools. Items such as band aids, rubbing alcohol and dressing salves for cuts and bruises are obviously very important for any post catastrophe situation. This is so because minor and major injuries are often features of disastrous happenings. First aid items in these kits will become important in these situations as the need to provide immediate help until aid agencies arrive becomes crucial.

It also important to bear in mind the health conditions that exist before the emergency situation arises. This is so because these health needs are likely to escalate after a traumatic experience such as a natural disaster. Heart patients therefore, should have their medication included in their kits. It is therefore important for each family or individual to make an assessment of the needs that are likely to arise in their unique situations.

In addition to first aid items, the kits should also include food and water. These are two life sustaining items that often become scarce in the wake of a disastrous event. Many people who suffer in the wake of an emergency situation do so because they are unable to access food or safe water for drinking purposes. In fact, many natural water sources become unsafe after a disastrous event. The consumption of unsafe food and water often leads to post disaster health complications and even death.

Official documents are often lost or damaged during disasters. This makes it difficult to pick up the pieces of your life in the aftermath. This is why emergency preparedness experts advise people to seal an official copy of important documents such as marriage and birth certificates in protective casings that will withstand the elements and include them in their kit packing.

Another crucial category of item for inclusion in the kits is those set of items that facilitate movement. Chief among these is a flashlight and the required batteries. In the wake of many disastrous events the power goes out. Alternative lighting sources will become important especially during the nights when the darkness can be a cause for concern.

The importance of being prepared for the possibility of an unexpected traumatic even cannot be overemphasized. There are too many examples of people who were caught off guard by disasters. Don't join those masses. Start putting a kit together today in order to feel more secure tomorrow.

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