A Closer Look On Sports Oppression And Its Impact On Women

By Toni Vang

Avid sport fan or not, we all have to agree that there is something great about different types of sports. They can be relaxing to watch and even exciting. Depending on how you view it, you can even see a sport event as a form of inculturation. Among different trends, it is one thing that has survived the test of time and continues to gain popularity all over the world.

The idea of playing what you love best can be tempting. But apart from the good things we see about this industry, there are stories which may not have been given much attention but is affecting some of the players and their performance. Sports oppression is among these things. It is directed to different groups, events and individuals and can be real nasty.

Among the recipients of this are the women. While we all can agree how ladies have established a strong position in the sport arena, it remains a fact that males excel more. The constant comparison between genders is on of the reasons why there are hot debates on the real status of women when it comes to playing games.

Amidst the debates, we see a number of popular female players who play games that are originally for men. And they are doing great at it. In fact, when we now have females who are included on the top one hundred highest paid professionals on the sport that they choose.

Still, the impact of this sort of oppression is notable. This is especially true to ladies who are just starting off their career in the sports industry. Good for those who have already established their names. But for starters it can be a constant struggle of proving themselves worthy.

Watching women play is exciting. In fact, we tend to forget this social issue when we see them excelling at a specific sport. It is important to understand though that they are those entities who managed to exercise utmost focus on their goal and turn a blind eye on the negative comments thrown at them. If those words are not helping them to build up their character and skills, they throw it off.

Speaking of the media, may it be print, online or television and radio, we see a pattern on how they cover sports. Big attention are given to leagues especially those that are played by men. The bias is apparent. And we all know how the media can impact the publics view about something.

There is not instant way on how one can change the opinion of another. If that person is a strong critic against women playing men games, then all the more reason why you should not add fuel to the fire. You cannot shake hands with someone who has a closed fist.

If you are considering a career in the sports industry, you have to brace yourself for the issues. This place is not as easy as you think, nor as luxurious and friendly as it shows. There are drawbacks. And unless you are willing to take on the challenge, you better reevaluate your purposes first.

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