Why It Is Paramount To Contact A NJ Chimney Sweep

By Olivia Cross

Chimneys that are functioning properly will reduce smoke and gases in a house while enhancing the efficiency in fuel use. As you burn wood logs and other fuels, they will release by-products such as noxious gases and smoke. These gases and particulates are vented through chimneys and emitted outside. However, chimneys can clog with debris including soot, creosote, and other things. A NJ chimney sweep allows you to keep the flues free of debris.

When you burn wood, you release substance like smoke and creosote. Creosote is formed from uncombusted energy from the wood material you are using. Since it forms on surfaces of flues, creosote may contribute to clogging of the chimney vents. The biggest risk associated with creosote is its ability to ignite and cause fires.

Many fires are reported in chimneys and some extend and burn the houses. Since creosote is made up of unburned energy, it means that when exposed to fire, it could still ignite and burn. It is one material that is hard to remove when it sticks on walls of chimneys. It is that substance that appears shiny and black on surfaces of flues.

At times, house fires may occur when the blazes spread to other areas. It is important that you ensure chimneys do not accumulate a lot of creosote. If you are burning wood, make sure you clean the chimneys regularly. You may want to watch out for signs, which indicate the flues are clogged.

It is important for homeowners to understand that creosote is released from all kinds of wood. Some people may think that burning certain species or types of wood will avoid creosote. However, this is not the case since all wood logs produce this flammable substance. Therefore, to reduce the amount of this substance in chimneys, the structures have to be cleaned routinely.

Creosote catches fire easily and when embers or sparks fly and come in contact with this substance, fires may start. Fires in chimneys will cause damage to flues by inducing thermal shock. The fires may spread and attack other parts of the home resulting to a house fire. Creosote may not be readily noticeable because it tends to form in hidden surfaces.

In inspecting chimneys, technicians should have state-of-the-art equipments like cameras to examine the hidden areas. The inspection may be done from bottom, above, as well as using the infrared cameras. There are some signs that could indicate you need to call a chimney sweep. If you begin to see smoke flooding into the house or covering the furniture, it could indicate that something is clogging the venting line or flues.

So long as you burn wood, you will be releasing the substance. What you need to do is carry out regular checkups and ensure that chimneys are cleaned thoroughly. You should only contact technicians who know how to do this job otherwise, if you call chimney sweep technicians and they leave behind the creosote, you may have to deal with a fire incident.

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