The Right Hydroponic Supplies Make Gardening Indoors Practical

By Katina Brady

There is more to hydroponic gardening that rooting small cuttings in water. This ancient method of raising healthy plants without traditional soil and sunshine is becoming increasingly popular today, especially for urban dwellers. It allows people to grow vegetables and herbs on a scale perfect for limited spaces, and having the right hydroponic supplies on hand makes getting started less complicated.

The term itself references water, but is commonly applied to forms of cultivation that do not employ natural soils for holding roots in place or delivering nutrients. Instead, hydroponics uses several types of substitutes to anchor plants, including vermiculite, shredded wood cellulose, gravel, or porous, clean sand. Those materials contain no nutrients, which must be added via the water system.

Not only does this create a size and efficiency advantage, but also allows gardeners to more easily control invading insect pests without necessarily resorting to pesticide use. Many grow boxes fit easily into a restricted space such as a closet, but can also be found in commercial farms with hydroponic greenhouses spanning acres. It is not a counterculture phenomenon, but a realistic agricultural choice.

The location chosen must be able to maintain temperatures that match a normal growing season. Ideally, plants thrive best in areas that do not exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit, or dip below sixty. Cool weather crops easily survive lows of fifty, and the room or space allocated must be able to maintain those temperatures consistently. Plant containers should have reasonably easy access to a water source.

Six individual types of systems currently predominate. Wick setups draw up water from a reservoir, using a variety of soil media. Basic water culture is also popular, and relies primarily on a platform that floats, allowing constant root exposure and encouraging direct nutrient absorption. Ebb and flow systems flood the roots at regular interval with the help of a pump. Drip systems are efficient, but require using a timer.

Nutrient film systems allow young roots to thrive under constant exposure to food and water, but require no additional soil medium. Roots are completely exposed, and the plants remain suspended above the water, making them more susceptible to water loss. Aeroponics is considered the most complex method, and produces a timed mist that engulfs plants and roots on a regular basis.

These individual groups are not immutable, and many variations can be assembled. Tanks may be large or small, and made of wood, glass, metal, or even re-purposed aquariums. Soil substitutes are sold commercially, and are widely available. For good results, grow lights that contain light with a natural spectrum are best, and a pump and timer may also be needed to complete the setup.

With the number of options available, one way for Seattle, WA residents to get started properly in hydroponics is to consult with the people who sell the products. Legal cannabis cultivation has generated wider interest in the process, and today there is a wide variety of basic equipment and accessories to make most indoor garden projects practical. For many people, gardening indoors is a healthy and money-saving choice.

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