Reasons Why Attack On BC Liberal Farmers Must Stop

By Donna Adams

Having a piece of land means that one can run several projects on the land. Most of these activities can be used as sources of income for the individuals, helping them to survive through the times. Among these human activities is farming, which is among the ancient activities that people have engaged in to fend for themselves and their families. In this article, BC liberal farmers, and the reasons why they need to be protected will be discussed in detail.

Food security is a very important indicator of development in any given society or country. There would be no food security if the government, through unscrupulous means, partners with private developers to rob the people who are responsible for ensuring that there is food on the table. Having money to buy anything you want does not guarantee that you will buy it. That item or good which you intend to buy must first be made available, and so does food.

It is an outright disregard of the basic human rights to take what someone else depends on to survive. Most of the rural farmers make their living out of the pieces or parcels of land that they inherited from their forefathers or even bought. Therefore, when an individualistic move in the name of private development or even civilization takes away what belongs to these poor majority, it is viewed as lack of respect for human life because they are being killed.

When the rich oppress the poor, these poor majority will be forced to push back. Nations that have degenerated into civil wars have done so because a section of the society felt marginalized, oppressed, and subjected to perpetual injustices. This should not be allowed to happen in any society because it will destabilize the entire society, leading to lots of negative effects.

The British Columbian society deserves to be given both financial and intellectual aid to help them upgrade their farming skills. If instead of helping in any manner, the government wants to bring forth private developers, it means that the same government is hypocritical. A government run by hypocrites is always bound to turn against its subjects, and the larger society needs to be quite weird of this move.

Speaking of oppression, it is important to realize that when you oppress a fellow human being, you are oppressing yourself. According to the philosophical teachings, the oppressor and the oppressed are both dehumanized. When people are oppressed, the individuals who look on without doing anything and those perpetuating the oppression are also being oppressed.

If anyone wants to bring development down to the people, it is important to ask those people what kind of development they need. Failure to do this would amount to imposing development on the people, and they are bound to revolt. For there to be ownership, let the people themselves decide what they want to do with their pieces of land.

Generally, no one needs to be oppressed and made to live like a slave. Political, religious, and other leaders must come together to end the attack on BC liberal farmers. That will help create a stable society built on mutual respect and trust.

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