How A San Mateo Chiropractic Clinic Can Help Those In Constant Pain

By Scott Myers

Healthy people cannot imagine a life that has to be lived with constant and debilitating pain. People suffering from such pain struggle to cope with everyday tasks. They cannot enjoy a full life because almost all activities cause the pain to intensify. Many patients try different types of medicine and other remedies, all to no avail. Some even become totally dependent upon pain killers that can cause serious side effects. However, at a San Mateo chiropractic clinic many patients find lasting relief at last.

Chiropractors believe that modern medicine is far too invasive and that drugs causes side effects that are often even more harmful than the condition that is being treated. In fact, many chiropractors first practised as medical doctors. The core of the treatment offered by chiropractors centres around making sure that the spine is aligned at all times. Chiropractors believe that many types of that originate from an unaligned spine.

Chiropractors treat a wide variety of ailments but the majority of their patients suffer from severe and constant back ache. However, they have very high success rates in treating neck pain, migraines and pain caused by arthritis and swollen joints. Even gout patients seem to benefit. Chiropractors are particularly popular with professional athletes and some teams even employ a chiropractor full time.

The philosophy underlying this form of treatment is not very complex. When the spine is out of alignment, massive pressure is placed upon the nervous system. When this happens, the immune system suffers and cannot fulfil its function of healing the body naturally. As soon as the spine is aligned, the nervous system is freed from pressure and the immune system recovers, enabling it to perform properly.

The treatment techniques employed by chiropractors vary from very gentle to more forceful but they always use the least forceful technique possible. In many cases a massage or the application of hot or cold packs are enough to align the spine. In other, more severe cases, it may be necessary to physically manipulate each vertebrae back into its proper place. Regardless of the treatment method, patients seldom experience discomfort.

The extremely high success rate enjoyed by chiropractors have prompted many formal, informal and even academic studies. In all cases there is consensus that this form of treatment is never invasive. This, and the fact that no drugs are used, makes the treatment very safe. There is virtually no chance of a patient developing complications after treatment. No drugs also means no unpleasant side effects.

Chiropractors believe that most forms of pain can be avoided by doing everything possible to keep the spine properly aligned. This can be achieved by maintaining a straight back at all times. Certain exercises and disciplines such as yoga, swimming and walking help to strengthen the joints, tendons and muscles and it also increase the overall flexibility of the entire body.

For many patients, chiropractors are their first line of defence when disease or pain strikes. Chiropractors do not shun conventional medical science and they will refer patients to a doctor if they think it necessary. Perhaps drug free, non invasive treatment will become the norm in the future.

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