For Botox Injections Kirkwood Is Worth Visiting

By Charles Adams

Human beings seem to be able to find a way of working with almost everything including poisons. It is interesting how they manage to find beneficial uses of even the most lethal of the poisons such as clostridium botulinum toxin. One way they use this poison is through botox injection which is purified from this neurotoxin. The purification is done to the highest level to ensure the risk of botulism does not occur. When one needs Botox Injections Kirkwood offers the perfect location to visit.

In high concentration, botulinum causes a life-threatening ailment known as botulism. This health problem is responsible for causing respiratory failure among its victims before finally causing death. One gram of botulinum toxin is estimated by scientists to be capable of killing up to a million human beings. A few more grams are capable of wiping the entire human race from the earth.

There is still a high demand for the poison in spite of it having severe effects. The poison has a wide range of applications which raise its demand. One major area of application is in cosmetics. In this field, the product aids in improving the appearance of faces with fine lines and wrinkles. Medically, the product is applied in treatment of excess sweating, eye squints, migraines and leaky bladders.

Tests conducted on the botox injection have proven it to be of high value and an essential therapeutic protein. On receiving the injection, transmission of signals from the nerve cells to the muscles is impaired, resulting in a paralyzing effect. On injection of the toxin into the skin the secretion of acetylcholine is halted. This is the biological messenger excreted by the nerves to cause muscle contraction.

When the contracting effect of the muscles stop as a result of absence of acetylcholine the wrinkled appearance is reduced. The injections are made directly into the neuromuscular tissues in its diluted form. Normally, the poison is in powered form. Saline is then used to dilute the powder. The effect of the toxin is realized in 24 to 72 hours. Although rare, the effect may take 5 days to set in.

Like every medical procedure, there are cases when this injection cannot be given. Such cases include lactating women and pregnant women. The reason for this is to keep the kid or developing fetus safe from any harm. Also, people who are allergic to this drug or its ingredients do not qualify for this procedure.

The bacterium, from which this poison is derived, occurs naturally in different settings such as forests, lakes, and soil. Clostridium botulinum also occurs naturally in intestinal tracks of fish and some mammals. Traces of this toxin are also found in organs and gills of shellfish and crabs. However, in all these instances in which is occurs naturally, its concentration is low which renders it harmless.

To finalize, it is important that people understand that the procedure has its side effects and risks. People who have undergone this treatment may experience general malaise, nausea, double vision, and migraines among others. The side effects differ from person to person, although botox injections are generally tolerated. As such, the side effects are few. To be safe it is best that injections be done by a qualified and licensed dermatology doctor.

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