Long Island Tick Control: The Most Common Questions Regarding Ticks

By David Kellan

Long Island tick control agencies specialize in the removal of these pests, which is understandable. Many people don't know this, but a number of these insects carry the risk of disease, which can negatively impact animals and humans alike. With that said, it's important to understand what ticks are all about and how someone can protect themselves from this potential problem. Here are some of the most common questions regarding ticks to be asked.

"Where are ticks located?" What's unique about ticks, among other things, is that their locations aren't the same across the board. To expand on this, if you're a Florida resident, you'll find these pests in different locations than someone who lives in North Carolina would. It's also worth noting that they are most active in extreme weather conditions, both hot and cold. Understanding where ticks are in your area will allow you to prevent them more effectively.

"If ticks can't fly or jump, how do they get to their hosts?" Due to the fact that the aforementioned methods of travel aren't possible for ticks, they have to move in other ways. They can walk quickly, so it's not like they cannot catch up with hosts. Ticks have also been known to be exceptional climbers, meaning that they can reach different heights if need be. These pests are swift regardless of their shortcomings, as companies such as Alternative Earthcare will tell you.

"What diseases do ticks carry?" East end tick control companies can tell you that ticks can carry a number of diseases, depending on their classification and location. Some of these sicknesses include, but aren't limited to, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia. Many of these sicknesses can be managed, or even treated, but others cannot. Nonetheless, medical attention should be sought out as soon as possible.

"What are the best ways to keep ticks away from my property?" If you're thinking about doing this on your own, it'd be wise to invest in repellent. Not only can this keep all types of pests - not just ticks, but fleas, mosquitoes, and the like - away from your property, but it can be found in many stores to boot. Of course, you cannot go wrong with bringing on the professionals, either. A tick control specialist can provide the reliability you're looking for.

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