Neck Pain Relief With Midlothian VA Chiropractic Techniques

By Matt Chaderia

Do you have a pain in your neck?

It is a common misconception that chiropractors only deal with lower back pain, because in truth, they routinely address all varieties of spinal issues, including those in the neck.

When one experiences stiffness or pain in their neck, it might actually be the result of a subluxation, or misalignment, in the cervical spine, or an imbalance at the point where the skull and vertebrae meet. These issues may also lead to aching in the arms, hands, and shoulders, or cause headaches. Approximately 15% of adult Americans deal with these types of discomfort annually.

Neck pains can appear suddenly following certain types of injury, or they may gradually develop over time. Most commonly, they result from sprains or strains which typically heal rather quickly, although it is possible that vertebral disc issues or arthritis causing irritation in nerve bundles could also be the culprit.

Regardless of the root cause, chiropractors can help with the issue, including those developing as strains and sprains from bad sleep positions, automobile accidents, sports injuries, or poor posture. The common action of holding a phone between one's head and shoulder routinely, or for a prolonged time, could bring about such discomforts.

Some chiropractors will spend hours fixing a simple neck problem and talk you into extra services such as massage or nutritional counseling. Most likely, though, you just need a simple adjustment and perhaps some advice on a better sitting or sleeping position to help prevent recurrence. Neck pain interferes with your life - and taking painkillers for it can also interfere in what you want to do. A chiropractor will not, and there is no reason for a simple adjustment to take any length of time.

If you have a pain in your neck, consider a Midlothian VA chiropractic clinic - just call and find out what they can do for you.

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