Learn How A SE Portland Chiropractor Helps Alleviate Whiplash Pain

By Judie Vivien Pullido

One of the most common complaints doctors hear after a patient has been involved in a car crash is neck pain caused by whiplash. It can have varying degrees of severity and, in Oregon for instance, a SE Portland chiropractor may be the best option to relieve the temporary discomfort.

Whiplash is an injury involving soft tissue. Sometimes affected individuals assume the problem is muscle strain, but if the issue persists, inflammation can set in and cause additional pain.

Whiplash occurs when the force of a car crash pushes your body forward, at the same time that your head momentarily stays in place. That reaction causes your head to be thrown forward violently. What makes this accident so severe is the actual weight of your head being thrown first in one direction, followed immediately by a thrust in the opposite direction.

The results of these severe motions can include pain, headache, dizziness, stiffness, and neck muscle pain. A chiropractic professional will develop a specific plan to address the discomfort and possible long term effects.

On an initial consultation, the chiropractic professional may conclude that spinal manipulation is the best course of action. This will result in the repositioning of joints and help the patient return to the mobility he or she enjoyed prior to the accident. Sometimes special tools are employed to realign the affected areas. Other times practitioners use manual pressure.

Massage is useful to relax tightened muscles, plus increase blood circulation to the injured area helps to speed up healing and reduce pain. A Graston technique - soft tissue therapy - may be done by passing hand-held instruments over any soft tissue injuries, using the gentlest of rhythms. Low-frequency interferential electrical stimulation may be applied to help to reduce swelling.

Technicians also use direct pressure as a way to reduce stress and realign bones and joints. For those who are experiencing pain related to a whiplash injury, contacting a good professional early on can lead to a quicker and more complete recovery.

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