How A Dallas GA Chiropractor Helps Alleviate Pain With Acupuncture

By Sherrine Albao

How can a trusted Dallas GA chiropractic doctor use acupuncture to relieve your discomfort?

Acupuncture can relieve pain, boost the immune system, and ease respiratory, gastrointestinal, muscular, and neurological disorders. Nerves that are stimulated by acupuncture can transmit messages to your brain, which then releases endorphins, your body's most natural painkiller.

During your first visit, your Dallas GA chiropractic doctor will review all of the available data to determine whether acupuncture is the appropriate solution for you. If so, then a number of very thin needles (thinner than a single strand of your hair) will be inserted into your skin, right next to your nerve. Some people become so relaxed that they drift off to slip during their procedures, which often last just 20 minutes or less.

Studies have shown that acupuncture is an effective form of relief for neck and back pain, headaches, sciatica, sinus pressure, muscle and joint pain, fibromyalgia, stress disorders, sports injuries, , migraines, chronic fatigue, neuropathy and more.

There are many other disorders that may respond positively to acupuncture such as plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, arthritis, TMJ Syndrome, shoulder, back, hip and knee pain, high blood pressure and even vertigo.

When a Dallas GA Chiropractic doctor uses acupuncture, the needles serve to stimulate your nervous system and release chemicals into your muscles, brain, and spinal cord. These chemicals are used to change your experience with pain, as well as to trigger a release of hormones and other chemicals which can influence your body's own internal system of regulation. You should experience an improved biochemical balance and energy which may stimulate your body's natural ability to heal itself, and may also promote emotional and physical well-being.

With acupuncture, it is often possible to limit your use of painkillers. This therapy has a very positive impact on the human immune system, while promoting increases in energy, strength and all-around vitality. A lot of people think that acupuncture is able to reduce their recovery times. This process entails very few side effects. It can be used as part of a preventative medicine plan and thus, acupuncture can be beneficial even if you aren't currently dealing with a specific ailment.

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