Some Basic Methods Of VAP Prevention

By Ruth Wilson

VAP basically refers to ventilator associated pneumonia which usually infects the lungs of a person especially if he is on a ventilator. Ventilator is a type of a machine that is mostly used in assisting patients to breathe using a tube which is typically placed on their mouth or on their noses or at times through a hole located in the neck region. This infection occurs essentially when a germ actually enters the tube and its then transferred to the lungs of a patient. In modern world many organization have come up to create awareness on methods of VAP prevention.

Among all other types of infections acquired in hospital it has been found out that this is the most common and at times it claims lives of about a third of patients who gets it. Those individuals whom have been infected usually spend more time under the ICU and due to this they tend to incur huge treatment costs that expected.

Nurses are usually advised to keenly follow the guidelines laid in order to prevent numerous cases of the infection. Mostly you find that although they have been clear laid guidelines on the deterrence measures of this diseases but mostly the nurses have been on blame since they are reluctant to keenly follow up the laid strategies.

Oral decontamination is another possible measure to undertake. This method is usually meant to reduce the bacterial especially within the oral cavity of a patient. This method can actually be achieved by both the pharmacological as well as mechanical intervention methods. The mechanical intervention methods basically include brushing of teeth together with the rinsing of oral cavity meant to dental plaque.

This basically means that laying down strategies in order to limit the time a given patient requires while under mechanical ventilation. The guidelines laid typically requires the putting in place the use of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation supplied continuously through the face or even the nose mask rather than incubating. Nurses are also advised to try actually remove the ET tube in the patient soonest possible and basically to try all possible means in order to avoid endotracheal intubation repeat.

Another laid guideline is the use of gastric reflux prevention method. Mostly you will actually find that some patients having a nasogastric tube which basically predispose them to a gastric reflux. This is usually attributed to the fact of increased chances of aspiration risk. A well informed guideline is to possibly prevent with all means the gastric reflux which is mostly the task of nurses as it is prone to patient poisoning.

Unless for medical reasons the bed of any patient is actually recommended to remain elevated to about forty degrees all the time. Basically simple strategies of prevention helps a lot in reducing the incidences of patients getting infected. Equipment maintenance is another method which need to be employed in controlling the infection.

Cross contamination is another guideline to actually follow. Basically the cross contamination strategies for years have actually remained unchanged. Basically adoption of the significance methods of inhibiting the transmission of germs from health care workers to the possible patients is actually overemphasized.

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