Preparing Yourself In Surviving The Grid Going Down

By Jason Mitchell

You never knew when will the calamity strike. That could be next month, tomorrow and even now. That is why, when you still got time, you shall be prepared. You must not underestimate nature and human. Those two are the primary causes of the disaster. It can take effect for shorter or longer period of time. That is why you must not keep yourself off guard.

When it occurs, one thing that will surely be affected is the transmission of electricity. Electricity is the most important element to keep your commodities functioning. That can include cell phones, stove and even on your heater. Surviving the grid going down is might be pretty tough.

The most important commodity that will be out in service during these natural disasters can be your electricity. That is a terrible news especially in winter, the time when you need it the most for your heater. On top of that, due to its vast effect, road access might be proved difficult. If you have loved ones who were injured, the hospital might be not the best place to take good care of your needs especially if they are a victim too.

However as a head of the family, what you can do right now is to protect them if this happen. You cannot expect fro the government right away. Think about how many people had suffered aside from you. The issue of loathing and killing for survival might even take place.

Imagine the picture that will take place in your surrounding. There would be loathing. There will be death. Starvation is present. To lessen your burden, while still early, here are the things you must do.

Maintaining a generator. Not all people can have a camper that they can use for the electric source. Therefore, buying your own generator will be really helpful. This can prove useful especially for keeping you warm. But before you start to install it, you shall check first if your wires are safe to use especially when it get in contact with water.

Stock foods and water. You may survive after the calamity but you would not last long without these. Hence, as for now, assure that you have replenished your cabinet with enough amount of water and food intended for emergency used. Keep this as a practice and remember to replace them every month with the new supplies you had bought. It would be best to put it into places where water can reach it right away.

Prepare a medicine kit. Due to the scattered and flying debris, there is a great chance that someone from your family will get hurt. Hence, you need to have antibiotics to prevent any infection. Furthermore, always consider to include aspirin and paracetamol in your kit. With the poor temperature and ventilation, expect that your children will be exposed to fever.

Another source of electricity. Batteries for flashlight and radio. Generator for your heater. Those things are very important while waiting for the installation of the electricity. During winter, no certain people are saving with the freezing cold without any heat source. You must take it in mind to always prepare yourself for the possibility. Especially on your power source. You would be needing it to get contact to the news from the other world. Communication and security are few of the things it can offer.

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