What Defines A Christian Social Justice Blog

By Marci Nielsen

The gospel of Jesus Christ is regarded as one founded on social justice. As the issues facing humanity change, it is not surprising to see a spectacular Christian social justice blog that captures the message in light of the teachings by Jesus. While many handle issues from a Christian perspective, few can be regarded as faithful to the fundamentals of Christianity.

Christianity is subject to multiple interpretations with these perspectives being skewed to communicate personal messages. A blogger is required to remain faithful to the message as Christ would have delivered it. The blogger must make an interpretation that accords relevance to a message that was communicated centuries ago. This ensures that the gospel remains alive to-date.

Identity of such blogs can also be determined by the message they carry and the issues that are of concern to them. With increased environmental degradation, health concerns, wars, education and conservation, Christians have been forced to wade into the debate through blogs. There are advocates whose aim is to ensure that resources around the world are distributed equitably. Their voice can be heard from blogs.

As the society advances, some of the issues being encountered by people around the world were not directly captured in the bible. Technology has intervened and despite making life easier for humanity, it has been misused time and again for ulterior gains. The aim of Christian bloggers is to highlight areas where technology is being misused and areas where it could be put to better use.

The individual or organization running a blog can give an indication of the credibility of a blogging platform. Religious leaders have taken on blogging to reach to a growing internet savvy population. The contributors are experts in particular fields who adopt a Christ informed perspective. This enables the readers to understand issues as Jesus would have handled them were he alive.

Politics is an integral part of any social justice advocacy mission. The leaders elected in a country make decisions and come up with policies that affect the masses under their jurisdiction. The blogs are used to scrutinize decisions made by such leaders through the Christian sieve. The aim is to protect the masses from policies that would be designed to favor small elite at the expense of the masses.

Changes in the societies are exerting pressure on Christianity to change its stand on certain issues. Such an issues is the definition of marriage where there is a push to include gays and homosexuals in the definition. Churches and religious groups have even been split by the matter. Blogs are an excellent platform to advocate for your point of view and capture the imagination of dynamic and youthful faithful. Passing the message on blogs is easy and fast, making it preferable.

Christians around the world have used blogs to highlight the great works being carried out by leaders, groups and individuals. Most of this work is in areas that have been ravaged by wars and natural disasters. While in these areas, they help to push for social justices course and use blogs to gain global support. Blogs are credible based on the person running the platform or the institution behind it.

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