Tips On How To Maintain Your Lawn

By Mattie Knight

The health and success of your lawn is determined by a variety of factors. Having a working knowledge of the elements that make up the support structure of your lawn can help you hugely, if you wish to do your own yard maintenance. However, if you have a busy schedule you can contract landscaping and lawn services Southlake TX to assist you.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is your soil. If your soil is not fertile enough, even the hardiest grass will not grow well. Conducting a soil test will point out any nutrient and mineral deficiencies your soil might have, thus giving you the chance to make the necessary amendments in the form of appropriate fertilizers or soil additives.

Water is the second most important element that determines the health of your lawn. Grass requires water to be able to draw nutrients and minerals from the soil. Manually watering your yard with a hose can be both inefficient and time-consuming. Because of this, many homeowners choose to invest in modern irrigation systems. These systems may have a high initial cost of installation, but they often result in immense savings of both time and water in the long run.

How well you mow your grass has a huge impact on the health and appearance of your yard. A well-planned mowing routine can help your yard maintain its visual appeal for many years. For example, during rainy seasons, your grass will grow faster and therefore needs to be mowed more frequently. Failure to do so will result in your grass growing too long, taxing the soil nutrients heavily and requiring frequent applications of fertilizer in order to remain healthy.

Though they may look similar from a distance, grasses come in a variety of species. It is worthwhile to know the species that makes up your yard, as different varieties have different climatic requirements. Under unfavorable conditions, your grass may become dormant, shedding its leaves in order to keep the root systems alive.

Lawn maintenance practices are often simple, though sometimes unforgiving. Careless mistakes can yield devastating results. Over-fertilizing with an excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizers can kill your grass, while watering on a hot sunny day can actually cause the grass to get scorched. If you do not think that you have the time or expertise to maintain your yard this job can be delegated to a professional garden maintenance company.

Professionals recommend that you top-dress your lawn yearly in order to maintain its health and visual appeal. Top-dressing involves the application of a thin layer of soil and fertilizer over your lawn in order to encourage the growth of new shoots, thus keeping your grass thick and green. This procedure also helps fill in any patchy areas and remedy any erosion damage.

Some homeowners may find the thought of doing their own lawn maintenance daunting, or outright uninteresting. Even if you plan on tackling this task yourself, it still pays to consult a professional. Apparently simple jobs, such as applying fertilizer, can be potentially devastating to your lawn if done inappropriately, resulting in frustration as well as significant expense. Rather than risking costly mistakes, working with a landscape contractor can guarantee a positive outcome at a reasonable fee.

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