Solar Panel Washing Collingswood NJ Team

By Stella Gay

As little as 1/7th of an inch of dust per square yard is all it takes to reduce the efficiency of your solar panels by as much as 40%. Keeping the surface free from dust particles and debris is crucial to the performance of your photovoltaic system. Solar Panel Washing Collingswood NJ is a leading provider of solar system and maintenance.

There are other particles in the air beside dust that deter maximum performance. Pollen is produced each year for up to several months and collects on all outdoor surfaces. It is a severe contributor to decreased efficiency of the photosynthesis process in photovoltaic panels. Even the charcoal grill used by your neighbors causes the sufficient buildup to reduce power output.

Other flying creatures and insects pose their solar issues. Birds leave their droppings as they fly overhead, and insects like flies and bees leave pollen behind. Even crawling creatures add to the disturbance when they leave their bodily secretions behind. All of these cause a disastrous decrease in power wattage performance.

The effects of rain are just as much a factor in performance and efficiency. The same dust, dirt and windblown pollen in the atmosphere forms raindrops which leaves behind a residue that decreases the production of the panels and is not easily washed away with water from a garden hose. Window washing equipment is not always sufficient.

City water is treated with chemicals and already has a significant amount of minerals in it before it reaches your indoor faucets. All of those compounds build up on the surface of solar powering devices and reduces the productivity of renewable power. Typical window washing equipment is not sufficient to keep these films off your panels.

Each panel of your solar power system is connected to the next panel and even though these are constructed to withstand some force they can become unplugged. A trained technician knows how to avoid such issues and how to reconnect them without damaging any components. The safety of your system comes first to continue maximum performance and efficiency. Regular cleaning and system examination adds life to all the components.

It is important to clean all installations of solar panels at least 2 or 3 times a year, and that depends on the climate in their location. The environment is the number one factor in producing maximum power with the least amount of stress on the entire system. In some locations, it is necessary to clean the panels as often as 5 to 6 times a year. Most home and business owners find it faster and easier to hire professionals to handle the details of keeping these systems clean and performing at peak efficiency.

Independence from electric bills is the dream of most people across the globe, and solar power systems offer a viable means of reaching that goal. Once the system is installed, connected and working, everyone in your family enjoys the maximum benefit of this wonder in technology. Just keep the solar panels as clean and clear of dust and debris as humanly possible. Maybe it is time to contact professionals who know all the details about maximum power collection from the sun.

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