First Aid Suvival Kit Decisions

By Tammie Caldwell

The matter of health care and safety is never a trendy issue especially when it comes to personal enjoyment or job related mishaps. The more quickly an injury receives the attention it needs, the better the chances of recovery and a fully prepared First Aid suvival kit offers this assurance. Let's consider a few situations where it is important to be ready for any occurrence.

Home is a place to relax and enjoy time with family and away from work. However, statistics indicates it is also where the greatest number of accidents occur. People clean out the gutters and fall off the ladders, decide to trim trees and end up breaking an arm as they land soundly on the ground. Even the kitchen is not safe from getting burned while cooking on the stove or roasting a ham in the oven.

One of the hottest trends is surviving without modern conveniences, but even with the greatest care and attention to safety there is still a chance the outing results in some injury. In the great outdoors, fresh, clean water for cleansing wounds is often scarce, and other liquids intended for this purpose add weight to backpack. Handy wipes are less bulky and offer a sterile means of cleaning wounds.

The military knows how important it is to have medical attention available for the soldiers. However, not all injuries occur on the battlefield and need at least the minimum attention. Cleaning agents and wide bandaging come in handy for preventing septic conditions when a gaping wound needs closed without needle and thread.

Roadside emergencies often involve more than just a flat tire. These situations often result in scraped knuckles, cuts from metal and other injuries. Most people keep an emergency kit with traffic flares included, but these kits should also include the basics of emergency injuries and other medical needs. Do not forget that headaches also happen and some form of medication will ease the pain.

Corporations have lounges and break rooms where accommodations exist to tend the needs of an injured person. These areas also accommodate people with suspected heart attacks or strokes. The typical requirements for such an office environment include the standard band aids, smelling salts, disinfectants, and ointments.

Emergency situations happen everywhere, even at funerals and weddings. People faint, twist their ankles, and skin their knees when they miss one of the steps leading down out of the chapel. It is a good idea to have an emergency kit that prepared for everything from a bruised elbow to a finger cut. After all, brides and their party even rip off fingernails in the rush to make it down the aisle on time.

Band-aids, gauze, disinfectants and ointments are only a few of the items required in emergency situations, also included sufficient binding for splits and pressure bandages. When choosing the best ideas for any situation where time is crucial to the outcome of an accident, start by selecting a kit that covers the most situations with the least amount of bulk.

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