Small Business Marketing For The Virtual World

By Tammie Caldwell

Whether a person is in need of new promotional strategies or seriously considering a plan of action, it is never too late to learn different ways to reach an audience. Using both online and offline tools can either make people remember a brand or ignore it until the right formula is utilized. When it comes to small business marketing, the wide variety can make an interesting mix.

Social media can have many purposes, including building a customer base or testing a promotional event. Since there is a great variety, knowing the purpose is the first step in planning. This would be followed by meeting the customer needs.

Content, for beginners, should not be random or indirect. Keyword usage should be meaningful and not misleading or excessive. Overuse of keywords or popular phrases can cost an online brand dearly. Choosing a few popular key phrases that are modestly spread out in the first few paragraphs is ideal.

The number of posts made is also important and should not be done at random, especially if social media is used to announce sales or company news. Using a calendar that is accessible to all can be helpful in planning. Calendars can also help gauge content effectiveness and conversions.

The use of images and infographics is popular. Jpeg images can be used to inform site visitors about products and services. It is recommended to hire a graphic designer or layout artist create these for most effective use of white space online or print.

New tools used for promotion should reflect current lifestyle trends. Mobile device accessories, bottles or travel cups have a place with people who drive to an office or work at home. White papers are not only cost-effective but are easy to publish so they are accessible to the visitor.

It can be hard to part with a successful marketing plan but it is often necessary, as customer needs change along with products. By knowing what will attract visitors and the anticipated reach, is can help create content or tool usage that will introduce brand offerings to a new audience. Instead of simply repurposing, use the content that will make visitors return.

Checking out competitors can also inspire necessary changes, as ideas about their sites and possible improvements can result in more visitor traffic. Making content personable and engaging can also help drive audiences. This can act as a natural hook, as opposed to using content to make a direct sale or tell visitors what they need so they might buy a product or service.

The best way is to engage with a question or use headline to answer common issues. Things that begin with a direct action in the header or title are also great for engine searches. Consumers also want things delivered to them in the simplest form possible.

Inquiry forms that pop up on contact can be distracting, along with things that cause slow loading. These may bring a source of revenue but should be utilized with caution. This also applies to landing pages that are used to ask visitors to be added to an email list. Giving the reader time to peruse is more welcoming than dropping the ball at first contact.

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