Why Choose A Crystal Rainbow Mobile As A Coming-Out Gift

By Leslie Ball

There are many people in society who openly accept and embrace friends and family members who are members of the gay community. Even with their acceptance of a variety of sexual identities, many straight people have a difficult time picking the right gift for homosexual friends or family members. An easy solution to the gifting dilemma means choosing just the right crystal rainbow mobile for their loved one.

This thoughtful level of gift-giving represents not just beauty, but a significant event in the history of all mankind. It is not frequently taught in schools that homosexuals were also rounded up and sent to work camps or death camps during World War II. Even fewer know how these individuals were branded.

The Star of David is well known in the world today largely because the Jewish people were forced to identify themselves with it during that terrible war. Somehow it has been lost knowledge that homosexuals as well as Catholic clergy members also had to be branded with a symbol prior to being rounded up. Nuns and lesbians typically were made to wear a black upside-down triangle while homosexual men and Catholic clergy members were made to wear a pink one.

Homosexuals have been demonized and labeled an abomination by just about every fundamentalist type cultish organization, including the Nazi Party. There are some moderate and even liberal religious people who do not judge the gay lifestyle harshly, but those people are few and far between. For now the United States remains entrenched in a completely irrelevant debate about the so-called sanctity of marriage due to fundamentalist views being pushed on others.

In short, homosexuality was regarded by Nazi sympathizers as deviating from normal behavior. Their perspectives went well beyond racial purity. They put to death countless men and women who would have been regarded racially pure because of their commitment to a lifestyle or behavior seen as deviant from a society they they were attempting to create.

The Nazi party did not necessarily point fingers at Christianity, or even religion in general. It was the requirement of the Catholics to take an oath of celibacy which made them obsolete in Nazi society. Men and women of what they called racial purity were basically required to have children, and an oath of celibacy was regarded as a rejection of the wishes of their leader as well as the norms of their society.

In fact, anyone who followed the concept of racial purity was expected to engage in sexual union and create as many children as they could. Men and women of their noted Aryan race were placed together by the State for the purpose of procreation. The women were chosen from within the community, and the men were most often high-ranking officers of the German Nazi army.

Although these upside-down triangles were very dark and depressing symbols, the gay community used them for years, displaying the symbol to show pride and togetherness with their past. However, as the Nineties opened peoples eyes and minds to new ways of looking at the world, the gay community changed their symbols as well. Now when you see rainbows, you know what it means.

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