Cost Effective Tips On Pool Renovation In Myrtle Beach Than Every Owner Should Try Out

By Leslie Ball

Is the age catching up with your swimming pool? Is it in dire need of a facelift? Are your pockets too shallow to undertake an expensive overhaul of the whole pool area? A pool renovation in Myrtle Beach technician shares a few cost effective methods of giving your pool a facelift. It involves tweaking the pool and items around it to give it a better look.

You can undertake a superficial renovation avoiding costly overhauls such as changing the pool shape, the paving among others. You can improve the lawn and plants around the it, plant flowers, re-fence the area and resurface the pool walls. These will cost less but still leave your pool looking superb.

Neglected gardens around the pool should be your first stop. Weeds make it look messy. Water and weed them well. For those that are well tended, you can add other colors of flowers and change the design of the garden. You can plant a hedge and create a bush experience by putting stones around the plants. All overgrown branches should be pruned appropriately.

Resurfacing the pool may also lift its appearance dramatically. This may be as simple as adding a layer of epoxy paint or installing new material such as tiles or aggregate on the floor and the walls of a pool. In fact, any change for instance color has a huge effect on ultimate look of a pool. Most pool owners are in love with the aqua or bright blue colors which are both cool and invigorating.

Paving of areas around the pool is also crucial. You may pave these surfaces by use of brick, faux timber, ceramic and many more materials. You could be having worn out pavements or a mix of many materials that were not well designed creating a scrambled appearance. You can correct this by changing several aspects of the paving to unite the look and make it appear good.

Those that opt for large paving, there is a choice of such materials like sandstone, granite, travertine and basalt for the pavement. In fact, these are the most popular materials for the pools. The more common colors are earth shades and shades of gray. For those that may be looking for a softer looking pavement, timber would be a good choice. Faux timber is a good option as it is treated against such challenges as weather and insects. It also does not require regular polishing.

Make your pool cozy by adding some furniture and their accessories. Functional furniture actually helps manage big stretches of space that look empty. You could have rugs, bean bags, cushions and bespoke day-beds as part of furniture items. You may add contemporary art objects and sculptures. Scented candles may be placed at strategic locations to give a romantic smell and glass to enclose the rest of the area.

If your pool area has privacy walls that are old and outdated, think of renovating them. A simple paint and some murals may work the trick. Any cracks on the wall should be repaired promptly. You may clad your brick wall with horizontal timber to give it a more contemporary look. Where there is a live fence, prune the fence and cover any gaps that might be there with large stones or wood.

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