Cancer & The Helpfulness Of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

By Katie Onson

There are many cases of cancer, as unfortunate as it sounds, and some instances are more serious than others. Simple operations can be done to take care of certain issues, but not everyone is as lucky. Various studies have been done to pinpoint ways to battle this condition, a few of them linked to extra virgin olive oil usage in particular. As a matter of fact, you may be interested to know that this type of oil can work against cancerous cells.

According to Olive Oil Times, a study was shown that the product in question could be used in order to kill off cancer cells. A study was headed by Paul Breslin, a nutritional scientist, and a chemist by the name of Onica LeGendre. They were able to pinpoint a substance known as oleocanthal, a common ingredient that extra virgin olive oil enthusiasts should know about. For those who do not know much about it, authorities like Unaprol can offer greater insight.

It seems like the incorporation of oleocanthal has the ability to rupture certain areas of cancerous cells. What this means is that they will soon release enzymes, which ultimately results in their death. This is an example of antioxidants working with the body in order to reduce free radicals, in addition to prevent inflammation. The fact that oleocanthal can be used to kill off cancer cells in about 30 minutes, according to the article, cannot be overstated.

I believe that oleocanthal is also noteworthy for how it can help in several cases. Suffice it to say, this type of ingredient can work to help reduce cancer cells in the human body. However, according to Breslin, it has been able to shrink tumors in mice, which shows that there's a greater level of capability than we might have anticipated. This study has shown that there's an extensive degree of knowledge that those in science should pick up on.

One of the biggest medical discussions, to say the least, is the idea of cures for cancer. Unfortunately, there aren't cures that can be considered solid, which is why a story like this happens to be so noteworthy. It shows that the ingredients in foods that we love, extra virgin olive oil included, have the potential to bring about more positive medical change. It's just a matter of how much information is obtained, and the level of work that's conducted in research as well.

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