Reasons To Use Paraben Free Beauty Products

By Janine Hughes

The cosmetics that people use each day have a vital role to play in the way that we look. It is most unfortunate that some of them can also make us ill. There are those that may not cause obvious sickness but do disturb our cells and the way that our bodies should function. For this reason, we have to be picky about what we use on our skin. Learn more about why paraben free beauty products are important for human health.

Parabens have been linked to the development of certain cancers. This risk and connection is the same as with other factors that lead to an increased risk of cell mutation, such as exposure to asbestos and smoking. Doctors are still unsure how much of this toxin would need to be in the body to put an individual at risk but the evidence has people being cautious.

Surgeons who did operations on women who were affected by malignancies in their breast found that the level of toxin was fairly high in many of them. Several had at least one type of this toxin in their tissue sample. Others had as many as five different types of the chemical there. Some of the samples that were examined were taken from tissue in the armpit while most was from the breast.

Both men and women are seriously affected by the presence of parabens in their bodies and should always choose cosmetics carefully. These chemicals send fake messages to the endocrine glands, telling them that they should make more or less of specific hormones. That messes up the operation of the glands and over time, it can damage them. It also causes other types of system damage.

Men use shampoos, conditioners and other cosmetics that contain dangerous toxins. As a result, they can have a reduced sperm count due to the toxin. Animal studies have shown that the presence of a paraben in the body can affect fertility in males. Whether boys use moisturizers or other personal care products that contain the chemical, they put themselves at risk of becoming ill. Researchers have seen that the quality of sperm may be decreased through exposure.

Parabens, unfortunately, act like estrogen in the body. This means that the body may sometimes behave as though the real female hormone is present when it is nowhere around. This causes problems in children who have not even reached the age of puberty, stimulating menstruation early in young girls. It may also cause breasts to develop in boys.

A lot of consumers already use brands that have made a decision not to use parabens in their creams and lotions. Leading makeup and skin care manufacturers all over the world exclude this ingredient from their foundation and eyeshadow. There are also smaller, top quality producers who do the same. You will not lose by staying away from these toxins.

Many more consumers are choosing beauty products that are completely free of parabens since those are safer. By reading the information in this article, you should be more aware of many dangers that are associated with these chemicals. Choose to protect your own health and that of children in your family unit.

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