An Outline On Matte Top Coat Usage

By Robert Bennett

Properly manicured fingers are a sight to behold especially among ladies. Similarly, the uneven and scratched polish is worse than natural fingernails. There is a risk in handling manicure as it should not. For instance, if proper procedure is not followed, individuals risk cracked and weak structures. Notably, very few people understand the basic procedures of performing manicure. In fact, some of them do not understand why the matte top coat is a significant nail treatment element. The following sections describe manicure as recommended by experts.

First, a person should prepare the hands and legs. The first step in fingers preparation is the removal of old polish. Numerous people use sharp objects such as a razor blade. This should be avoided since scratching damages surface structures. Instead, shop for quality paint removers. The next step is cutting overgrown structures and shaping them. You will require a file, clipper, and buffer. Buffers have various abrasion levels to help an individual in evening out and softening fingers surface. Trimming strengthens fingernails edges.

Cuticles develop as nails grow to protect the growing region. If the paint is applied without removing excess cuticles, it will not be neat. Therefore, professionals advise that these too should be reduced. To remove them perfectly, one will be required to soak their hands in warm and soapy water. Cuticles removal may be preceded by exfoliation. Traditionally, experts advised complete removal. However, after realizing that this dead skin has a role in nails protection, experts recommend pushing them back and reducing excessive growth.

Scrubbing and wiping off excess water on your hands exposes skin to dehydration. Consequently, dehydration encourages a dry skin surface. To minimize this, it is important to moisturize. Any product that has the ability of moisturizing can be used. Examples of such are lotions, massaging, almond and cuticle oil. Hydration smoothens your skin surface.

At this point, you are almost ready to start applying varnish. However, it is important to wipe off grease and oil since these reduce the durability of your polish. Wiping using a cloth dipped in alcohol works best. After drying, apply some petroleum jelly on finger edges. The oil acts as a barrier between skin and varnish. If any polish spills on the nail edges, removing it later will be easy. Be careful not to apply any jelly on fingernails.

As mentioned earlier, people should make sure they have all three levels of paint. To begin with, apply base varnish. As this name suggests, it comes first to protect tissues from damage as well as strengthen paint. Above base coat comes actual polish. It should, however, be applied after the base is hardened. For better results, apply varnish twice or thrice allowing the previous layer to dry first. Lastly, add a shiny touch to your fingers and leave them for some time to heal.

After about fifteen minutes, your paint will have hardened. Suppose an individual has not mastered the art of perfect spreading, there will be some spillover. Simply pull out or wipe with a piece of cloth dipped in remover.

If that process is followed carefully, folks will definitely love the results. Most significantly, choose quality manicure products. In case one notices their fingers cracking, they should avoid polishing for some time.

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