How Microbiomes Can Influence Your Health And Wellness

By Ruth Jackson

Many people often attribute health and wellness based on the food we eat and our overall lifestyle. However, research suggests that miniscule bodies living within ourselves can also play a key in determining how optimal our body functions are. Here are some interesting facts to learn from Microbiome Data Analysis in Mississippi State.

Before we begin, we need to first understand what micro biomes are. This term basically talks about the living components living inside us. Some examples include single celled types like fungi and viruses, although most of the focus tends to be on bacteria. Each of these components also varies according to its community and specific strain.

Many people are under the impression that micro biomes only refer to pathogenic organisms. This could not be further from the truth since certain areas of our bodies actually host various communities of both good and bad bacteria. In fact, studies show that most humans already have bacteria living within their anatomies even while they are still in the womb.

In the case of fighting against invaders, most bacteria flora in the intestine directly attacks foreign bodies by secreting substances that can destroy or hinder its harmful effects. Additionally, they also help regulate the production of antibodies by providing signals that triggers the immune system. Both functions help one to withstand against harmful pathogens.

Each classification or group performs a set of tasks that helps ensures optimal function inside the body. One way on how these components can affect bodily health is it offers an efficient defense system against pathogens. To protect the host from harm, these organisms may start colonizing the space of invaders and secret substances that may kill or prevent any unwanted visitors.

Bacteroidetes is responsible for breaking down proteins and complex sugars while firmicutes which metabolizes carbohydrates. Experts found that most obese people tend to have a higher number of firmicutes while having low bacteroidetes compared to individuals who have a normal weight range. Additionally, persons who have a fair enough balance between the two may lead to weight loss which results in better management of body mass.

Another role that microbes play in regards to our health is the fact that it can also control blood sugar levels. Since there certain bacteria strains inside the gut can trigger inflammation, eating certain foods can lead to triggering these receptors, making the body produce more insulin than normal. This effect can also change the way your body responds to insulin.

Next is the fact that these are all interconnected. Like previously mentioned, the foods we eat and the habits we practice on a daily basis can help influence our health. Additionally, it can also affect the production of healthy bacteria which should always be in perfect balance. Some handy tips we can do include eating foods rich in fiber, exercise, and taking probiotics.

With so many micro classifications that have yet to be identified, there is no doubt that there is still room for research. Considering that we are on the age of technology, one can expect great discoveries to come while also anticipating for the introduction of healthier and more naturally sourced medications. While this may take some time, the wait is definitely worth it.

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