For Professionals In Burial At Sea Florida Ocean Offers A Recommendable Destination

By Gary Myers

All over the world, thousands of persons are laid to rest at sea each year. This tradition arose years in the past and is still largely accepted. As a matter of fact, the practice seems to enjoy increased popularity every year. The US is one of the countries with citizens that participate in this kind of burial lot. Nevertheless, there still is a lot of information unknown to individuals concerning this exercise. The goal of this article is to shed some light on the practice. When in need of Burial At Sea Florida Ocean should be visited.

Anyone can be buried at sea if that is their wish before they die. Most people that are laid to rest at sea are navy personnel of former sailors. However, one does not need to have any connection with maritime life in order to be laid to rest in the ocean. Besides being the wish of the dead, the person who is in charge of arranging the event must hold a license.

It is the government that issues the licenses for these events. A few factors usually determine how much the license would cost. Complying with the environmental rules when doing this process is very important. A person must provide evidence from a doctor that the body that requires to be laid to rest has no infections or fever when applying for a license.

The coroner may sometimes need to be informed of the event when the body is being taken from the morgue. Embalmment of the body is usually not allowed and the body should be cladded in light clothing. The clothing should be biodegradable so that it can decompose and avoid causing pollution to the environment.

This process is supposed to adhere to stringent codes and regulations. To begin with, there exist a number of spots at sea considered ideal for burying individuals. Nevertheless, applicants normally have the chance to suggest a site they prefer to hold the event. Normally, this suggestion accompanies the application.

For the site that one has suggested to be approved, a person has to provide proof that it is actually safe and suitable. There must be minimal risk of causing disturbance to commercial fishing nets from the location. Also, currents should not be capable of drifting the dead body to the shore. If the body is drifted to the shore, a way of identification must be available. Usually, identification is done through a name tag being placed on the body.

Usually, most spots are positioned some miles into the ocean. At times, hours of travel are taken to reach the spot. Therefore, it is preferred by most families to hold the ceremony on land before actual burial in the water is done. Short prayers are usually said by people during disposal. Burial is done through lowering the body into water from the watercraft. It takes minutes to do this.

There are many companies that are dedicated to providing these services to members of the public. In the case of navy personnel, the navy may take responsibility of carrying out the burial. However, ordinary people have to hire service companies for the job. There is usually a fee that one has to pay for the service.

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