Therapy Dogs: 4 Facts You Should Know

By Robin Setser

There is a litany of health benefits that come with pet ownership. Not only do they help teach us responsibility, for example, but these animals can reduce the depression and stress we might have experienced otherwise. With this in mind, the benefits of the animals in question are much more numerous. This brings us to the topic of therapy dogs and here are 4 things that everyone should know about these trusted canines.

One of the most notable facts about therapy dogs, according to companies such as Assisi Animal Health, is that they are used in different locations. These include, but aren't limited to, schools, hospitals, and even offices of small businesses. Therapy dogs may be brought in to help elevate the moods of those undergoing trauma, emotional or otherwise. If there are people that are experiencing difficulties in life, these animals are effective at taking the edge off.

Second, therapy dogs have been proven to be especially effective when working with children that have disabilities. Learning disabilities are not common in schools and there exists a bevy of methods that help children overcome difficulties in this regard. One of the most common is by having therapy dogs present when children take part in tasks. Whether it's reading, writing, or solving equation, these animals can provide relief that makes completing the tasks in question easier.

Therapy dogs have the uncanny ability to know when someone is struggling with a disability or disorder. Let's say that, for the sake of argument, that someone with depression experiences a panic attack. A trained therapy dog will be able to approach the individual and provide them with the care they need, no matter how minimal it might seem on the surface. Sometimes the most effective remedies are the simplest.

Fourth, and finally, therapy dogs exist across a number of breeds. What this means is that, regardless of size, practically any canine can be trained to help those that suffer from conditions including anxiety and PTSD. Of course, large and small breeds have their upsides and drawbacks, which means that research is necessary. The more that you learn about therapy dogs, in this sense, the better your chances will be of finding the perfect canine companion.

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