Talking About Jewish Interfaith Marriage

By Amanda Anderson

When it comes to intermarrying it is best to consult with those that have been down this road and to garner advice from them. A Jewish interfaith marriage is common nowadays with couples finding that they want to spend the rest of their lives together. It is often stressful should one partner not know anything about this religion and in doing so, will have to learn a lot before the marriage day itself.

Consulting with the experts is a must and talking to friends who have already been down this road is priceless. If one is at a loss as to where to begin it is best to do some research online or to go and see an interfaith rabbi in person. There is much to know and a lot to be decided upon when organizing a function of this kind.

It is not that complicated if one sticks to certain guidelines. If meat will be served then one will have to leave out milk products as these two items may not be served at the same time. Usually, it is custom and law among observant Jews to wait six hours after consuming meat products before partaking of anything milky.

Looking into this a little deeper, some foods are permissible to be consumed and others not. If unsure one should research this further although the general rule is relatively simple. Meat may not be eaten with milk but fish can be. Apart from this it should be understood that kosher meat must have two main ingredients, such as chewing the cud and have cloven hooves.

Apart from this, it should be noted by the couple, what foods are permissible to eat and what are not. Meat may never be eaten with milk and this law is one of the first laws that is learned in a Jewish home. One usually has to wait six hours after meat is eaten before milk products can be consumed. So it is best to choose a meal for guests that do not have both of them served at the same time.

It is permissible however to serve fish with meat as long as the fish fulfills kosher requirements. They have to have fins and have scales in order for them to be consumed. Commonly though, fish is usually served with milk dishes such as lasagne and other milky treats.

It may seem like a daunting task in organizing a celebration such as this but with a little planning and a bit of shopping around and asking the right questions, most stumbling blocks can be overcome. It is a joyous time and as a couple, one would want it to run as smoothly as possible. This is quite possible in times today where there are many service providers that cater for needs such as this.

Things happen very fast as the days flow away and the time comes closer. The worry about whether it will come together is not necessary as they invariably do. Have fun and enjoy the day as it is the most special one that anyone will ever have.

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