Why You Should Know Bishop Charles Harrison Mason Better

By Helen Green

Today, false religion emerge from nowhere. They are saying that they have met God through a dream or a vision. If you heard things like that, never let your hopes up. It is certainly a fraud. To know the real Lord and his plans for the future, you better start reading the Bible. God will always punish anyone who would tamper with it.

Hence, try to differentiate false pastor from not. Do not pray for them too. Only pray for the Lord Jesus Christ. Even if you join the Bishop Charles Harrison Mason, there is no guarantee that you would go to Heaven. Your religion or your congregation would never guarantee you a place on His new city. Hence, avoid putting all your trust on it. As mentioned, never ever trust your congregation. It is nothing but a bridge. Whether you would make it on the other line or not, that would absolutely depend on your ability to walk.

Therefore, if you like a reliable source of knowing more the creator, use the bible. That is the best weapon you can use to defend yourself from evil things in this world. Reading the words of God will give you peace of mind and happiness. Use it for your everyday life. Living in this world is hard. To live a comfortable life, you must turn a blind eye to those people around you.

Truly, it might be sad. However, your skills, your abilities, and even your strength are not enough to help yourself nor others. God knew that. He knew it. Even so, He still believes in you. Therefore, with your remaining strength, make sure to allocate some time and money for His name. Donate. Help others.

He has faith in you. He is always merciful. Hence, right now, try to turn away your sins. Sinning is not really a good thing. It will only hand you short term happiness. However, if you are searching for the real one, assure that you would never obtain it here. It will only create a huge hole in your heart. It would make you feel burdened.

Entering the Heaven is not easy. However, assure that God would always be there to Guide you. In fact, there is no time in your life when He decided to abandon you. Hence, stop throwing Him away. Stop yourself from sinning. You better get out from that life. It will only give you sadness and troubles.

That is true. Sins would not only affect you. It will also affect those individuals around you. You see, it acts like a virus. It multiplies. Therefore, stop doing such thing. Instead of sinning, evaluate yourself. Ask why you are still doing those things up until now. You might have some reasons for it. People try to run away from their problems by giving up.

He wants you to use that effectively. Therefore, try to discover yourself further. This is just the beginning of your journey. If you have performed tons of good things here on Earth, you would be rewarded with an internal life. Overcome your failures and challenges. Turn away from sinning. Sinning will never give you real happiness.

Avoid committing sins. There is no reason to be lured on that. Sins will show you nothing but unfortunate things. This would only destroy your life. Right now, while you could still get out, try getting out. Make some efforts. Jesus Christ makes tons of sacrifices just to save your sins. You better accept that gift with an open arm.

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