Helpful Airbnb Host Tips That Can Make A Big Difference

By Edward Butler

There is a lot of competition on Airbnb. Providing an outstanding experience can be the edge needed to ensure a positive review and increased business. There are some simple but effective Airbnb host tips that can help achieve this and surpass the expectations of any guest.

Always list with honesty. After all, this is all the guests have to go on when choosing a place to stay. Good pictures and an accurate description leave no room for argument when guests arrive. If the property doesn't have a great view, don't say it does. If local attractions are a long ways away, don't list them as being within walking distance. Honesty is appreciated and can mean the difference between a bad rating and a good one.

Be flexible about check in and check out times. Things happen; sometimes flights get delayed, a car gets a flat tire, people run into an old friend and lose time. Sometimes, flights are right on time, and there are no issues, resulting in an earlier than expected arrival. Don't be a stickler for times. Of course, guests should have the courtesy of letting their hosts know if something unplanned happens. If the unit is clean and ready, and guests show up ahead of the scheduled time, let them in.

Hosts should know the area and what events and attractions are nearby. Guests will certainly appreciate this information, especially if they are unfamiliar with the surroundings or have spare time during their travel. Know your guests as well; if they are traveling with children, there may be extra information that can be provided. If they are not, skip the kids activities. Tailored to each stay, it is something they won't forget.

Investing in a key-less entry system can save money and headaches over the long run. Lost or unaccounted for keys can dig into profits if locks need to be re-keyed. A key-pad provides the flexibility to give a new code to each guest and some even allow a code to be timed with an expiry date, much like the card locks on hotel room doors. If unable to be at the location when guests arrive, there is no reason to leave them waiting outside with a key-pad entry.

Clean, clean, clean! Don't overlook anything! Guests can be picky, and if something isn't up to par, it can result in bad reviews. Make a cleaning checklist to ensure nothing is overlooked. Once the checklist has been completed, go over the entire place with a fine toothed comb and check it again. Guests will be impressed with a rental that is absolutely immaculate.

Small amenities can have a big impact. Most hotels stock extras such as razors and toothbrushes; some at a cost. Providing these free of charge will be looked upon as a bonus and certainly mentioned in reviews. Some suggestions may be feminine products, an assortment of electronics chargers, batteries, water and snacks, and anything else that can be picked up inexpensively but be appreciated by guests.

Small details can make a world of difference in the eyes of guests. Taking the time to make things comfortable, secure and clean can be the difference between a bad review and a very positive one. To stay competitive, hosts need to make sure that these small details will make a big impression and keep guests happy and coming back again.

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