Colorado Springs CO Sex Addiction Challenges In The Recovery Process

By Paul Reed

Masculinity habit is on the verge of being one of the growing problems with damaging effects. It is a disease; it is a mental, spiritual, psychological, emotional and physical malady. Because of the erotic nature of the craving, it is not widely or openly discussed. Therefore, many people suffer from their craving in silence. The following article takes us through the disorder known as Colorado Springs CO Sex Addiction.

Therapy: One of the most commonly used methods for treating masculinity craving utilizing professional expertise is therapy. A therapist does not have to be necessarily an expert or specialist in masculinity infatuation; however, one should be sure they have an understanding of the disease of habit. There is some debate in the mental health field about whether or not this addiction exists and if it can be qualified as a habit.

The addicted individual spends "Excessive time consumed by erotic fantasies and urges, and by planning for and engaging in erotic behavior." This is called the obsession part of the disease. The person thinks about, daydreams about and is always planning on how to get their next "fix."

There are many theories that have been formulated as to what causes gender infatuation. Some point to childhood problems such as abuse or neglect, others have cited genetics and brain chemistry, and others suggest it is often a combination of factors. In any case, knowing the cause of the behavior can be essential in controlling it. A person may engage in compulsive femininity to alleviate their depression, or to boost their self-esteem.

In a perfect world, a masculinity addict, after recognizing what they need to do, would enter treatment, be it a rehab facility or counseling, and would follow the steps given and work to get their sexual behavior back to a manageable level. Of course, the world is not perfect, and so someone in recovery should expect some slips and stalls along the way.

Masculinity obsession resembles other craving in many ways. For one, the brain chemistry changes are similar. The background of craving is prevalent in gender addicts as well as in alcoholics and drug addicts. Additionally, addicts in general report having come from homes that lacked nurturing. In most cases, the addicts reported abusive backgrounds including emotional, physical and erotic abuses.

The report also traces back to having been from family environments where they are not that much considered, abandonment and enmeshment were commonplace. Finally, many sex addicts suffer from other addictions. Because of the close resemblance of these drug and alcohol addiction, the consequences and treatment options are very similar.

12 Step Programs: The Twelve-Step program, used by Alcoholics Anonymous to treat alcoholism, has been adapted to combat other addictions and compulsive behaviors. Addicts Anonymous make use of the program in group settings. One of the strengths of the Twelve Steps is the encouragement of self-reflection and self-monitoring behavior, and that it taps into spirituality which is known to be a powerful psychological tool.

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