4 Things East End Tick Control Companies Can Tell You About Bullet Ants

By David Kellan

According to those that specialize in Long Island tick control, not all ants are harmless on the surface. As a matter of fact, there exist numerous species that are not only able to cause disease but, in certain situations, death. One of the most dangerous species is known as the bullet ant. If you're unfamiliar with this creature or what it's capable of, here are 4 noteworthy facts that you should be aware of.

If you're curious to know where bullet ants are located, all you have to do is look south. Companies like Alternative Earthcare will be able to agree, seeing as how the ants in question are commonly found in rainforests across Central and South America alike. By this logic, they seem to thrive in hotter climates where moisture is more prevalent. This is just one of the many bullet ant facts that you should be aware of.

East end tick control service specialists will tell you that bullet ants are large. As a matter of fact, they are among the largest insects in the world, especially in relation to ants. They can become as large as 3 centimeters, meaning that they won't be terribly difficult to spot. However, the size of bullet ants isn't what people should be concerned about. As we'll come to learn, it's their more dangerous aspects that should be noted.

It seems like bullet ants are, by and large, relatively independent. Their colonies aren't very large, but the members play their own roles. For example, the worker ants are not only known for putting in the legwork, but guarding the colonies themselves. It's also worth noting that colonies can get into conflicts with one another. This is an interesting fact that goes into detail about how these creatures interact when in nature.

Many people know about bullet ants because of their venom, but its severity is largely unknown. First of all, when bullet ants bite, their venom moves into the body, creating an immense sensation of pain. It's comparable to a gunshot, as far as sheer agony is concerned. Secondly, the pain can last for several hours, which is nothing short of bad news for those that can't tolerate pain well. This may be where medical help is administered.

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