Looking For Suitable Amplifier Repair

By Matthew Allen

If you own a guitar you will also probably own a valve or solid state amp and they will need regular servicing. When faults develop, some musicians will be seeking an amplifier repair. There are a couple of important things you need to think about before having this kind of work done to your equipment.

The two types of amp are head units and combos which have one or more built in speakers. The parts needed for this equipment will depend on what kind of unit is being fixed and in some cases the age if it is a vintage model. The combo amps are popular with amateur musicians or bedroom players due to their compact design and fairly low purchase price.

A valve amplifier will need a regular health check to keep it working safely and efficiently. The vacuum tubes will need changing when they are worn and many guitar players will carry spares in their bag. They can be changed in the home or at the venue but you should always have any work done by a qualified engineer to guarantee that it is done correctly.

Solid state amplifiers will also require a regular inspection and a lot of this can be done by the player in their home. Basic faults can be corrected with relative ease using few tools found in most workshops. If the equipment has developed a more serious fault then it is better to have the work done by a local guitar store or professionally trained electrician.

The spares needed to repair an amp can be found on the internet or in your local musical instrument store. When you buy the components you should always ensure that they are covered by a makers guarantee and that they have passed safety inspection. Second hand components can often be utilized and in cases such as speakers for a combo, this can be a less costly way to carry out a repair.

When you are buying components it is better to use a factory made item if possible. This is particularly important when working on a valuable amp as it ensures the value is not affected. Amplifier manufacturers will usually have a stock of spares for the early models they have produced and this is the best option when trying to find spare parts.

For amateur amp repairers there are publications available with diagrams and you can also find step by step videos to help with fixing amps. After ensuring that the correct parts have been purchased and the required tools are available you can start on your repair. Always have your electrical work examined by an engineer as many music clubs will need safety documentation for any equipment used inside their venues.

The prices that you will need to pay for your repairs and servicing will depend on how many new parts are required and the man hours needed to complete the job. A simple fault can be fixed for just a few dollars but a more complicated fault can often run into thousands. You should bear in mind that if your amp has to be sent away, the shipping fees and insurance will have to be taken into account, and added on to the total price of the job.

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