Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Helped By Chiropractor In Manhattan To Alleviate Pain

By Hans Gerhard

It is not the only reason, however, those who spend each workday typing on a keyboard are frequently the victims of a condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. In the wrist a narrow passage carries the median nerve that activates the hand and fingers. This tunnel can be compressed due to inflammation and swelling. It causes sometimes-disabling pain. Many turn to chiropractic offices Manhattan NY has available for assistance.

The symptoms associated with this syndrome include, numbness and tingling in the fingers along with pain in the hand and wrist. Typing or small assembly work is not possible unless the hurt is brought under control. A bout with this syndrome will result in serious financial loss from lack of his or her employment.

Chiropractic care is a popular choice because no prescription pain medication, over the counter pain pills or surgery are a part of it. An appointment for chiropractic help begins with the first office appointment. You will be asked to describe the pain you feel and explain how it prevents you from working. A medical history will be taken and a physical examination done.

When the evaluation is complete the optimal plan to assist your recovery can be made. If a misalignment in your upper spine is affecting the hand, it can be adjusted. Adjustments can be applied to the elbow and the wrist to ease any compression affecting the carpal tunnel and median nerve. You may be advised to rest the arm and apply cold compresses to the wrist.

Another possibility may be to immobilize the wrist with a splint during the healing process. This keeps the wrist in the correct alignment following adjustments. The wrist support may also be used to prevent future injury.

Other people may heal faster or slower than you. Factors such as general health, age and the extent of the damage will have an effect on your healing time. Chiropractic care is focused on relieving pressure on the median nerve and by doing so alleviating the pain.

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